3 ships represent opening to West

  • Sep, Mon, 2024

Prime Minister Dr Rowley - Angelo Marcelle
Prime Minister Dr Rowley – Angelo Marcelle

THE EDITOR: After listening to the peremptory declaration by the Prime Minister that this country’s coat of arms would be changed, I am compelled to respond.

A country’s coat of arms is a symbol of the State and not meant to be a pictorial representation of events. Think of the British coat of arms where there is a lion and a unicorn. Lions have not existed there for thousands of years, and no unicorns exist. These are used to represent the strength, power and loyalty of the peoples of England and Scotland.

The three ships on our coat of arms represent the opening of access to the West, and not a depiction of the exploits of Christopher Columbus. After all, except for the First Peoples, all our ancestors came here as a consequence of this access, hence that event has historical significance for all of us and is most appropriate for our coat of arms.

Columbus was undoubtedly a cruel person when judged by modern standards, but he was typical for those times, where there were inquisitions, witch burning, public hangings, enslavement, religious wars, oppression of the weak, and tribal conflicts. Thankfully, the world has become more civilised, although at times I have my doubts.

I must ask the supporters of this folly not to change our coat of arms. Is it civilised behaviour to bear such a grudge against an individual that we continue to seek vengeance after six centuries, notwithstanding the fact that as a navigator Columbus opened access to the West, from which most of our ancestors benefited? I call that behaviour vile and ungrateful.

Furthermore, is it just to take an action that will cost the long-suffering masses of this country billions of dollars that we pay as a consequence of oppressive taxes?

I have heard of the PM’s assurances that altering the coat of arms will not be costly, slyly making reference to office stationery. However, I will not submit to this deception, because I am aware that the present coat of arms appears on our currency and this will have to be changed as well.

In this quest to smother our origins, will the Government also target the descendants of slave owners in this country and the descendants of the slave suppliers in Africa as well?

I call on the Prime Minister to cease making my beloved country the laughing stock of the world. I note that an artist has already been commissioned to redesign our coat of arms, even before the views of citizens on its alteration are known. This smacks of dictatorial tactics and is something new for this country.

I hope that good sense will prevail.


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