Mountain rose: Venezuelan researchers discover its properties for menstrual health

  • Sep, Mon, 2024

The Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC) has been studying the effects of genomics for over a decade. Effects of aqueous extract of flowers of Brownea grandiceps, known as mountain rose, on the human hemostatic systemspecifically its use to control bleeding or stop excessive menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia).

Dr. Josmary Brazón, head of the Cellular Neuropharmacology Laboratory at the IVIC Center for Biophysics and Biochemistry (CBB), and her team have determined that the aqueous extract of this flower acts at different levels of the hemostatic system.

The mountain rose can be found in almost the entire national territory and is recognized by its red color, which is usually very striking.also has a wide distribution in South America.

Through the project entitled “Study of the components present in the aqueous floral extract of Brownea grandiceps on the human hemostatic system,” Brazón and his team have managed to purify and biochemically characterize one of the components of the extract, which is of great importance since it could be responsible for regulating excessive menstrual bleeding in women who suffer from menorrhagia.

Now, IVIC is looking for this compound, a condensed tannin called Browplasminin, which is a plasmin inhibitor, can become a therapeutic agent, a drug with a Venezuelan seal.

Can mountain rose become a drug to control menstrual disorders?

The specialist indicated that the hemostatic system plays an important role in controlling menstrual blood loss through a highly regulated balance of procoagulant, anticoagulant, fibrinolytic and antifibrinolytic factors. However, in the case of menorrhagia, this balance between the factors that make up hemostasis is altered by an increase in the components of the fibrinolytic system, especially plasmin, an enzyme responsible (under physiological conditions) for maintaining blood fluidity, preventing the formation of clots.

Considering that Browplasmin or mountain rose inhibits plasmin activity, this suggests that itThis compound is able to control blood loss in women suffering from menorrhagia.according to a press release from IVIC.

Dr. Brazón pointed out that from the in vitro point of view, the activity of Browplasminin was compared with aprotinin, tranexamic acid (AT) and epsilon-aminocaproic acid (EACA), which are the active ingredients of the compounds that are commercially used to control this menstrual disorder.

The results of their research indicate that the antiplasmin activity of mountain rose was similar to that of AT and EACA, but greater than that of aprotinin. These findings are what allow us to consider Browplasminin as a potential therapeutic agent.

The Cellular Neuropharmacology Laboratory plans to promote a project aimed at finding out whether the effect on hemostasis is found in all Brownea species, regardless of the region, and is therefore already studying flowers obtained from the states of Miranda, Carabobo and Yaracuy. They are also planning to carry out studies on the bark, seeds and leaves to find out whether the properties are exclusive to the flower or the entire tree.

Using Mountain Rose Flowers as a Home Remedy

Brazón warned that It is not advisable to ingest the infusion made with mountain rose to regulate excessive menstrual bleeding.because in the extract of the flowers of Brownea grandiceps there are other components with fibrinogenolytic and fibronectinase activity that could exacerbate menstrual bleeding and instead of regulating it, it will cause it to be more intense.

Additionally, “we do not know if the components of the aqueous floral extract have effects at other levels and could cause damage to various organs, therefore great care must be taken when using these flowers as a remedy.

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