There is no way to know if Maduro won the elections

  • Sep, Mon, 2024

Vicente Díaz, former rector of the National Electoral Council, stated that There is no way to know If Nicolas Maduro won the presidential elections July 28th.

In an interview with the private channel Televen, Díaz said that doubts can only be dispelled if the Chavistas show the electoral records, a task that they have refused to do so far.

The electoral body has not published either the results broken down table by table and has even disregarded an order from the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice that confirmed, in a murky process, Maduro’s alleged victory.

«There is no way to know (if Maduro won the elections) until “Do not publish the results table by table,” the former rector stated.

He recalled that the CNE announced the result but did not publish the bulletin. Therefore, It is not possible to know whether the announced data correspond to the will of the citizens. manifested at the voting tables.

“There were witnesses who know what happened, the problem is that They cannot contrast it with the official truth and the official truth is that Nicolás Maduro wins, “But it does not appear where the votes come from. They have to come from voting tables, electronic votes backed by manual voting vouchers,” he said.

Edmundo González won with 67% of the votes: opposition

The democratic opposition, which nominated Edmundo González Urrutia as its presidential candidate, published on a website the electoral records it managed to collect, despite the intimidation of Chavista militants and members of the Plan República. In total, it managed to share with Venezuelans and countries around the world 83.50% of the receipts.

According to that information, Edmundo González Urrutia obtained 7,303,480 votes (67%), while Maduro barely reached 3,316,142 votes (30%).

Chavismo, however, accuses the opposition of falsifying the minutes, but he does not dare to publish those that should be in the possession of the witnesses of the tables of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela and other political organizations that supported the red candidacy.

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