Capriles resigns from the PJ board: the reasons

  • Sep, Mon, 2024

Opposition leader Henrique Capriles announced his resignation from the Board of Directors national party Primero Justicia (PJ) for “lack of internal unity”, “irreconcilable” differences and “lack of transparency and accountability of administrators.”

These and other factors, which he detailed in a letter he published today on his Instagram account, “only serve to weaken the party, make its members feel lost and, therefore, increase the disconnection with the feelings and desires for change of Venezuelans every day.”

The two-time presidential candidate also pointed out that “some militants” have been “exposed” to “baseness” by the former deputy. Julio Borges -exiled in Spain-, Vice President of Communication and International Relations of PJ, who, according to Capriles, prioritizes “his particular interests” and has a “long history of paid use of networks and portals to attack and discredit” opponents, “even members of this party.”

He said that the junta “does not have a clear plan or a proposal” in “times of such turbulence and uncertainty,” especially after the elections of July 28 and “the theft of popular sovereignty by those in power,” in reference to the proclaimed reelection of Nicolás Maduro, described as “fraudulent” by the majority opposition, which claims the “victory” of Edmundo González Urrutia.

Capriles explained that the board of directors, with “some exceptions, decides everything without respecting the vast majority of members” of the board and that “enormous majority of grassroots activists who are in the country fighting for change.”

“We have unfortunately fallen into a practice in which a small group in certain positions wants to impose its interests, interests that, moreover, are not clear with the reason for the existence of this political organization. It is already customary that the message transmitted in the name of the party does not respond to collective values, but to the ‘agenda’ of a kind of leader, who, with his collaborators, believes himself to be the master and lord,” he said.

He clarified that he will continue “fighting” in Venezuela together with the regional and local “militancy and leadership” of PJ, and added that he hopes that “the decomposition and decadence into which” the national board fell “does not end up destroying” the party in “the states, municipalities and parishes” of the Caribbean country.

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