The United States will impose sanctions on Venezuela

  • Sep, Wed, 2024

Brian Nichols, Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, said the U.S. administration will impose more sanctions on Venezuela.

The official stressed that they are studying the restrictions that will be applied to the South American country, but preferred not to go into detail about them or say when they would be announced.

Yes he remembered that The US government has already taken recent actions to punish the Nicolás Maduro regime for undermining democracy.

“We will continue to use the sanctions we have,” he said in an interview with NTN24.

“I am not going to announce the steps we are going to take, but I want to stress that we have used the sanctions we have,” he said.

Nichols recalled that the Biden administration recently seized the luxury plane that the Chavista regime allegedly purchased illegally and in violation of US sanctions. This is the Dassault Falcon 900, which is already in the United States.

The deputy secretary also indicated that there are more than 1,400 Venezuelan officials who are subject to sanctions for their positions.

«We are also imposing more sanctions. A week ago we imposed 16 sanctions and we are going to impose more,” he warned.

“We have to use all the tools”

He added that they will evaluate the oil sector and affirmed that there will be some changes in the future, “but I do not want to anticipate the measures we are going to take.”

“I cannot say when there will be a change, but we are studying the issue. It is something important, but We also have to use all the tools, not just sectoral sanctions,” express.

The United States government has made it clear that it will not allow the regime of Nicolás Maduro to continue repressing Venezuelans and disrespecting the wills expressed in the July 28 elections. Both the democratic opposition and a significant part of the international community claim that Edmundo González won the presidential election.

In a scenario of absolute opacity, the electoral authorities declared Maduro the winner and later, in another process full of irregularities, the Supreme Court of Justice endorsed that announcement.

However, to date, Chavismo has not been able to prove that it has won and, on the other hand, the Unitary Platform made public all the minutes it managed to gather almost two months ago. According to this data, its standard-bearer obtained nearly 70% of the votes, well above the ruling socialist.

Among the regime officials sanctioned two weeks ago by the US State Department are:

* Caryslia Beatriz Rodriguez Rodriguezpresident of the Supreme Court of Justice.

* Fanny Beatriz Marquez Corderovice president of the TSJ and member of the Electoral Chamber.

* Rosalba Gil Pachecorector of the CNE and president of the Civil Registry and Electoral Commission of the CNE.

* Sunday Antonio Hernandez Larez, Since 2021 he has been the Strategic Operational Commander of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces.

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