Chronicle of the toast in honor of Edmundo González Urrutia and Mercedes López

  • Sep, Wed, 2024

In the heart of Madrid, a city that in recent years has become a refuge for many exiled Venezuelan figures, a night of celebration full of meaning was experienced.

Miguel Henrique Otero and his wife, Antonieta Jurado-Blanco de Otero, opened the doors of their home for a special toast in honor of a couple who represents the democratic resistance and the fight for freedom in Venezuela: President-elect Edmundo González Urrutia and his wife, Mercedes López de González.

From the moment they learned about the departure of the elected president from Venezuela, the president editor of The National He posted on his social networks that no one “dare judge Edmundo González Urrutia. He fulfilled his patriotic duty and, from abroad, will continue his fight to restore democracy in Venezuela.”

After Edmundo González fulfilled a protocol agenda, he gladly accepted an invitation from Miguel Henrique Otero and his wife.

The hosts greeted them at the door. The couple arrived hand in hand at the Otero Jurado residence. Edmundo González and his wife arrived with a punctuality that reflected their good education, elegance and respect. On their faces, a smile that spoke of freedom. Of that feeling of relief after having escaped from an oppressive regime that has kept millions of Venezuelans under its control through repression and fear. Their faces reflected relief after a difficult struggle, and their smiles were wide, as if they were finally breathing the air of freedom and feeling in a safe country like Spain.

They were greeted with heartfelt applause by those present, a large group of Venezuelan, Spanish, American, Mexican and Peruvian friends. Some were old friends of the couple and others wanted to meet in person the man who represents the hope of millions of Venezuelans.

Edmundo, the president-elect of Venezuela, is a deeply educated man, with a slow and cultured way of speaking. His ability to listen and the delicacy of his words make him an empathetic presence of extraordinary simplicity. He shared with all those present, generating an atmosphere of closeness and familiarity.

Mercedes González, on the other hand, is the embodiment of friendliness. Open, with that luminous energy that invites trust. Her elegant bearing, her vitality and her charm make her a captivating presence.

That night, full of motivation, the Oteros wanted to toast to all the good things that are happening to them and to all the good things that are yet to come. The first toast to that democratic Venezuela that Venezuelans dream of so much. Raise the glass and toast to the historic 28th of July. On that date, something fundamental was achieved on the path to recovering the country. Edmundo González, born in La Victoria-Aragua, triumphed. Venezuela won and González received eight million votes in the fight for freedom, a victory that demonstrates the power of the citizens.

But, beyond the electoral victory, one of the biggest reasons for celebration was Edmundo González’s departure from Venezuela. It was a strategic decision by the couple. His life, as María Corina Machado explained, was in constant danger. This fact made his arrival in Spain, and his new stage of freedom, even more significant.

Glasses were also raised in honour of María Corina Machado. A toast to this brave woman and her tireless fight for freedom and democracy.

In an optimistic atmosphere, toasts continued to be made to the good news and the important international recognition that the president-elect has received. The Spanish Congress and Senate have recognised him as the legitimate president of Venezuela, as has the European Parliament, which is strengthening its fight for the restoration of democracy in Venezuela. In addition, the commitment of the president of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, was mentioned.

The atmosphere at the Otero residence was welcoming, full of lively conversations and laughter. Mercedes, with her friendliness and charm, connected easily with everyone present. She was fun and open, sharing anecdotes and transmitting a vibrant energy that encouraged the guests. Edmundo, always polite and slow-talking, thanked those present and answered every question.

There was something else in the eyes of Edmundo and Mercedes: the certainty that, although their fight is not yet over, they have crossed a crucial barrier, one that allows them to continue working for freedom.

This meeting in Madrid not only served as a space for dialogue and planning, but also symbolized international solidarity with the Venezuelan democratic cause. Spain’s support, reflected in its willingness to host this important meeting, underlines the global commitment to restoring democracy in Venezuela.

“Freedom is the air we breathe. And only those who have felt its absence understand its true value.” With this phrase, Edmundo González reminded those present that their mission is not over and that, although they are in a safer place, their duty remains with the millions of Venezuelans who still suffer the pressures, blackmail and threats of a dictatorship that clings to power.

During the evening in honor of Edmundo González Urrutia and his wife Mercedes López, not only was there talk of politics and personal achievements, but also of something that fills them with deep pride: their family. Both Edmundo and Mercedes did not fail to express the immense pride they feel for their daughters, emphasizing how important the family bond is for them, even in the midst of adversity.

With a sincere smile, they shared what being grandparents means to them, describing it as a true wonder. Among the anecdotes, the joy in their voices could be heard when talking about their grandchildren, who, without a doubt, represent a pillar of happiness in their lives.

For Edmundo and Mercedes, the love for their family is a refuge and a motivation to continue their fight, knowing that everything they do is aimed at ensuring a better future for their daughters and grandchildren.

The evening ended as it began: with hope. The guests, including other key figures in the Venezuelan exile community, shared the sentiment that, although the road is long, democracy will return to Venezuela. And, in that sense, the toast was not only a celebration of the personal freedom of Edmundo and Mercedes, but a tribute to the perseverance of all those who continue to fight for a free Venezuela.

This toast in Madrid not only celebrated the bravery of a couple, but also the indomitable spirit of a people who, despite everything, continue to dream of freedom.

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