Maduro will be sworn in on January 10

  • Oct, Tue, 2024

Diosdado Cabello, Minister of the Interior and first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, stated on Monday that Nicolás Maduro will be sworn in on January 10 as president of the country.

«Christmas starts, even though some sectors don’t want Christmas, because they can’t even say Happy New Year or have a drink, nothing. October, November and December begin, and on January 10 we swear in the President of the Republic,” he said.

This is despite the fact that to date the country’s electoral authorities, two months before the presidential elections, have not published the data showing that Maduro won the elections. Otherwise, the democratic opposition published on a page the minutes that would confirm that The winner was Edmundo González Urrutia, with almost 70% of the votes.

Chavismo is based on unaudited data from the National Electoral Council and on a decision of the Supreme Court of Justice that, without having jurisdiction to do so and with a procedure questioned for its lack of transparency, concluded that the results announced by the electoral entity are true. .

“We don’t care about the pressures”

Cabello criticized the countries that call for democracy to be restored in Venezuela. In his speech, he attacked Brian Nichols, Undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the United States, who supports the resolution of the conflict in the country and warns that the US government will apply sanctions to the regime of Nicolás Maduro if it “ignores” the will expressed by Venezuelans on July 28.

His statement responds to a newspaper publication ABC from Spain that points out that Joe Biden’s administration urges the Spanish government of Pedro Sánchez to put pressure on the Chavista regime.

«He is one of the useful fools of imperialism, every time they need someone to say something stupid, they look for a guy like Brian Nichols. The truth is that we do not care about the pressure that the United States can put on Spain so that they continue with sanctions against us,” said the Chavista leader.

And he also attacked Edmundo González, leader of the Venezuelan opposition:

«What moves them is money, robbery. We must add to Edmundo that he is a murderer of young people, he had death squads from the Venezuelan Embassy in El Salvador in the 80s. He is used to killing young people, priests and now it is seen that he is a thief. “He fled cowardly as, according to what they say, María Corina Machado will flee.”

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