Carter Center presents electoral records to the OAS that give victory to the opposition

  • Oct, Wed, 2024

During a special session of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS), The head of the Carter Center’s electoral mission in Venezuela, Jennie Lincoln, presented the voting records of the July 28 presidential elections that gave victory to Edmundo González Urrutia.

«These minutes are the key. They were analyzed by the opposition and by independent international missions and show that they are the original minutes of July 28 and they give Edmundo González as the winner with more than 60% of the votes,” Lincoln explained to the representatives of the countries present.

The Carter Center representative reiterated that Venezuela’s presidential elections cannot be considered democratic.

«The minutes reached the OAS. Jennie Lincoln, from the Carter Center, presents original minutes that represent physical proof of Edmundo González’s victory, during her presentation at the OAS Permanent Council. The world knows what happened on July 28; Now you have the truth in your hands. “We are going to liberate Venezuela!” celebrated opposition leader María Corina Machado on her account on the social network X.

Lincoln assured that at the end of the Permanent Council session he will deliver the electoral records to the OAS representatives.

Carter Center says elections in Venezuela cannot be considered democratic

After the electoral process in Venezuela, the Carter Center published a forceful report in which it revealed the irregularities presented during the elections.

Observers concluded that the election “It did not conform to international parameters and standards of electoral integrity and cannot be considered democratic.”

The Venezuelan opposition revealed on an independent website more than 80% of the minutes, with which it claims that Edmundo González, exiled in Spain since September 8, was the winner on July 28.

This is despite the fact that the National Electoral Council (CNE) said that the winner was Maduro and proclaimed it on July 29, a result that was later ratified by a questioned technical expert opinion from the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ).

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