PNM to make announcement on internal polls tomorrow

  • Oct, Fri, 2024

An announcement about the People’s National Movement’s (PNM) recently cancelled internal elections is expected to be made tomorrow.

One week ago, there was a sudden announcement that the party’s 51st Annual Convention and the internal election, originally scheduled for November 17, had been cancelled. No explanation was given for the cancellation.

On the day of the announcement, PNM General Secretary Foster Cummings evaded questions about the cancellation and would only say that his announcement was sufficient.

However, as he made his way into the Red House yesterday the La Horquetta/Talparo MP offered a bit more.

“The General Council meets on Saturday, any further comments will come after that,” he said.

Cummings was asked if he could give a commitment that the election will be held soon but he instead focused on the annual convention.

“The PNM always has conventions, the particular one we had a decision was taken on that, but we will speak after General Council,” he said as he made his way onto the Red House’s compound.

The cancellation of the party’s internal has fuelled speculation about an early general election.

At the PNM’s La Horquetta/Talparo 10th Constituency Conference last month, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley shrugged off Opposition speculation about a snap election and stated that the party’s annual convention had to take place first.

“They were even calling the election in November, well November we will have the conference, that is the possible date for the conference, so not elections,” he had said then.

Speculation about who will replace Rowley as PNM leader was further fuelled when he wrapped up his contribution to the budget debate by saying: “I don’t know how much longer I would have in this Parliament but I have done my duty and I kept the course. I have run the race and I look forward, not for a pot of gold but for my family at the end of this rainbow.”

Several names have been thrown out as potential candidates in the leadership race, including Stuart Young, SC, Penelope Beckles, Senator Dr Amery Browne and Foster Cummings.

The post PNM to make announcement on internal polls tomorrow first appeared on CNC3.