Roland Carreño and Freddy Superlano are charged with three crimes, according to an NGO report

  • Oct, Sun, 2024

The NGO Coalition for Human Rights and Democracy denounced that the Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office charged the political leaders Roland Carreño, Freddy Superlano and Ricardo Estevez for the crimes of terrorism, treason and criminal association.

This accusation was made official during a preliminary hearing held on October 11 at the Third Control Court with jurisdiction over Terrorism, located at the headquarters of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin), in El Helicoide, Caracas.

According to the organization, the prosecutors in charge of cases 38 and 74 at the national level They did not allow the accused to be represented by lawyers of their choicewhich constitutes a violation of your rights to due process. This complaint adds another layer of concern about the human rights situation in the country, which is experiencing accusations of political persecution.

When were Roland Carreño and Freddy Superlano arrested?

Roland Carreño, operational coordinator of Voluntad Popular, was detained on August 2 in Caracas, on Baralt Avenue, during protests against the results of the presidential elections of July 28. considered by many to be fraudulent. His arrest, according to the NGO, is part of a strategy by Nicolás Maduro’s government to silence dissent.

For his part, Freddy Superlano, a former deputy from the same political party, was arrested on July 30 while trying to enter a building in the Sebucán area, in the east of the capital. Superlano had actively participated in the post-election protests.

Ricardo Estevez, co-founder of the Súmate Civil Association, was arrested the same day as Superlano, while leaving his home in El Cafetal, Caracas.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issued precautionary measures on August 26, warning of the imminent risk of violations of the human rights of these detainees in Venezuela.

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