Kamla: Great nations must respect women

  • Oct, Mon, 2024

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar partakes in puja with members of the Siparia Women’s Association led by Pundit Sunil Seetahal Maharaj at her Siparia constituency office in Penal on October 20.
– Jeff K Mayers

OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says no country that ever disrespected its women ever became great.

She made the comment at a Divali celebration at her Siparia constituency office on October 20.

Persad-Bissessar told her audience that over the last two months, there has been an alarming increase in the rise of domestic violence and bullying.

She added this has resulted in the deaths of many women and children.

Persad-Bissessar did not refer to any specific event as she said there was a veritable crisis when it came to crimes against women and children.


Earlier this month, Persad-Bissessar attended the funeral of 15-year-old Jayden Lalchan, who died by suicide after years of alleged bullying at St Stephen’s College.

The issue of bullying also surfaced during the recent budget debate in the House of Representatives, with Energy Minister Stuart Young making comments on October 10 which were described as derogatory and potentially bullying towards opposition MPs.

The opposition called for Young to be referred to the Privileges Committee.

Young apologised for his remarks in the House on October 17 and in a Facebook post days earlier.

In a ruling on this matter on October 17, Speaker Bridgid Annisette-George said, “Any member who actively participated in, supported or passively encouraged such crass discourse has also failed in this duty and cannot escape the focus of this reprimand. Thankfully, one neighbouring member rose to the highest traditions expected of members of this House by showing his disdain for what he heard.”

She added, “If we are conscious of our roles as leaders in society, we would understand that the remarks were even more damaging given their misogynistic and homophobic character, as well as their criminal insinuations.”

During the function, Persad-Bissessar appealed to the members of the diplomatic corps who were present to increase the outreach programmes undertaken by their respective embassies to help at-risk women and children.

She asked for those programmes to be spread throughout all parts of TT.

Persad-Bissessar said there should be no discrimination with respect to where these programmes are located.


She also acknowledged the presence of former St Kitts & Nevis opposition chairman Chelsey Hamilton in the audience.

Persad-Bissessar said the last time Hamilton was in TT was before the May 24, 2010, general election, which was won by the former UNC-led People’s Partnership coalition.

She hoped his visit on this occasion would lead to a similar outcome “on the eve, on the cusp of another election.”

The next election is constitutionally due in August 2025.