Enough slick gimmickry: people are suffering | Letters to Editor

  • Aug, Tue, 2024

I could not hold back the grief upon hearing of the brutal murder of a father and his daughter in Moruga, leaving a village in pain, hurt and mourning, tears flowing from the eyes of loved ones trying to deal with what took place, unable to fully comprehend why.

This is one of the many tragedies that have hit our twin-island country over the years, even involving our children. My sincere condolences go out to the family and friends in this hour of your grief. May God give you strength and grace in your time of need.

While some politicians are busy playing politics trying to remove the three ships on the coat of arms (seeing the general election is carded for 2025), the voice of many can be heard echoing throughout the land. I’d like to remind the politicians that our twin island nation is crying out due to the many unresolved issues plaguing them every single day. Changing the coat of arms will not alleviate their predicament.

Do you really think that those family members who have lost loved ones over the years (murdered), with no closure or justice, care about political gimmicky with the coat of arms?

Also, pensioners and others whose homes are consistently broken into, who are beaten mercilessly; some of whom have died: do they have any concern about the coat of arms in their pain? They want answers to the problems.

While our leaders see it fit to spend millions of taxpayers’ dollars on the coat of arms instead of fixing the many deadly challenges that are facing the population, it makes you wonder if they are real or so out of touch with the realities before us. Citizens are still having to deal with lack of water, poor roads, robberies day and night, a constant increase in food prices, poverty, and now, a dengue outbreak. The best thing on offer is the removal of three ships from the coat of arms.

Please wake up from your slumber and your daydreaming and properly serve the people.

The cry is everywhere. Are you not hearing it?

As far as I am concerned, put the coat of arms business on the back burner and first deal with the many issues plaguing T&T. This, to me, is where you ought to be focusing.

The problem with many of our politicians is that they think everyone living in T&T is a fool, and believe that they’ll swallow everything thrown at them.

Welcome to the real world. We are not fools and can see through the games. Stop taking the electorate for granted and do what you were put into office to do: serve the people. It begins with listening to them and trying your utmost best to make the country a better place for all. There is enough work to keep you busy 24/7.

Instead of changing the coat of arms and wasting taxpayers’ money, put it to better use.

Let’s do it together, making Trinidad and Tobago a better place for all.

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