Heart of a Woman gets Pinto students ready for back to school

  • Aug, Wed, 2024

Senior Reporter


Over the weekend, the Pinto community in Arima became a beacon of hope as the Heart of a Woman Foundation hosted its annual back-to-school drive.

Amidst rising costs and daily struggles, dozens of families found relief through the initiative, which provided school supplies and free haircuts for children.

“We started this foundation because we saw the need first-hand,” Heart of a Woman founder Dawn Peterson shared.

“So many single mothers are struggling, and we felt we had to do something.”

The foundation’s journey began in 2018 with a simple act of kindness—a Christmas giveaway in Peterson’s backyard. Nearly 200 children and parents showed up, highlighting the deep need for community support.

“That first event was eye-opening. We realised there were far more families in need than we imagined,” Peterson recalled.

“From there, we knew this had to grow into something bigger.”

Today, the foundation organises two key annual events: the back-to-school drive and a Christmas party.

Sunday’s event at the Pinto Community Centre, addressed more than just school supplies. With haircuts in the area costing up to $50, many parents simply can’t afford them.

“We reached out to barbers and stylists in the community and asked them to volunteer their time,” said Peterson.

“They stepped up in a big way. It’s more than just a haircut—it’s giving these kids confidence as they head back to school.”

Funding remains the foundation’s greatest challenge. Most of the support comes from members, who often dip into their pockets and host small fundraisers to keep the initiatives running. Occasional donations from local businesses help, but the foundation is largely self-sustaining.

“We’ve applied for sponsorship and reached out to public figures, but it’s been tough,” Peterson admitted.

“Yet, we push forward because we believe in what we’re doing. Our community depends on it.”

Beyond the events, the foundation stays active throughout the year, offering grocery supplies and emergency aid to families in crisis.

“For us, it’s not just about showing up once or twice a year. We’re here for the long haul,” Peterson emphasised.

As the foundation looks to expand its reach, the focus remains on uplifting those who need it most.

“This is about giving families hope and showing them they’re not alone,” Peterson said.

“We all have a role to play in lifting each other up.”

For those who want to get involved, the foundation can be reached on Facebook or at 361-9903. Donations, volunteer time, or even just spreading the word contribute to their mission.

“Every bit helps. Together, we can make a real difference,” said Peterson.

The post Heart of a Woman gets Pinto students ready for back to school first appeared on CNC3.