Yván Gil called the governments that question Nicolás Maduro’s reelection puppets of the United States

  • Aug, Tue, 2024

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil on Tuesday called the governments of Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Uruguay puppets of the United States, after they questioned the re-election of Nicolás Maduro in the presidential elections on July 28, whose victory has been accused of being fraudulent by the majority opposition.

“We have seen at the head of this situation the fascist of the Nazi government of (Javier) Milei. It is one of the hostile governments, because it is a puppet, it is a poor government. We are very sorry that Argentina is suffering from this situation,” said the foreign minister in an interview with the digital media The Iguanarelated to Chavismo.

He considered that the president of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, is a “lackey” who leads “a government prostrate to the United States,” while in Peru and Ecuador “fascism has penetrated” and today they have “submissive governments.”

“They are very brave, very courageous people, but exploited, dominated by imposition, by governments that are an occupation appendage of the American empire. Sooner or later they will free themselves,” he said.

Regarding Chile, he said that Gabriel Boric’s administration is “a disgrace” after having come to power “with the hope of the majority for transformation.”

Foreign Minister: More than 60 countries recognize Maduro

“What he has done is validate the Pinochet government, which violates rights, goes against the cause of the people, supports genocides, such as that of the Nazi-fascist government of Ukraine,” said the foreign minister, referring to Boric, who has been a harsh critic of Maduro, whom he accuses of committing fraud in the elections.

Asked about the international recognition of the president after the elections, Gil stressed that “all (countries) recognize Maduro as president-elect,” although he said that as for the number of governments that have “welcomed the victory” of the Chavista leader, it is “more than 60” of the total of 193 that make up the United Nations Organization (UN).

“There is widespread global rejoicing over the victory of President Nicolás Maduro, and that is a reality that no one can hide,” he stressed.

The main opposition coalition claims that its candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia, won the presidential election by a wide margin, with the support of “83.5% of the electoral records” that it says it collected from members and witnesses at the polling stations. It is therefore asking the electoral body to publish the disaggregated results to dispel doubts, a request that has the support of the European Union and more than twenty countries.

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