Velásquez claims that the summons to Edmundo González is to arrest him

  • Aug, Wed, 2024

Andrés Velásquez, leader of the La Causa R party, said on Tuesday that the Public Prosecutor’s Office summons opposition leader Edmundo González Urrutiain the context of an investigation against him, is “to put him in jail.”

«No one in Venezuela can have any doubt that the summons is being issued to put him in jail.“There is no other reason,” Velásquez said during an interview with the digital television channel VPI.

He also reiterated that The standard-bearer of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) is the winner of the presidential elections, despite the official result, which gave re-election to Nicolás Maduro, something that the PUD calls “fraud” and several foreign governments question.

“How is it that the winner of an election is subjected to an investigation? (…) It’s the world upside down: the winner is persecuted,” said the former deputy.

He added that the The government wanted to “crush the decision of the Venezuelan people through a horrific repression,” referring to the post-election protests against the official result. of the elections, which left 25 dead – for which Maduro blames González Urrutia – as well as some 200 injured and more than 2,400 arrested, according to the authorities.

“Let’s add to that (…) the summons of the winning candidate, Edmundo González (…) to take him to the Prosecutor’s Office, humiliate him and subject him to I don’t know what, under what condition, to interrogation and things of that nature,” said Velásquez.

Judicial harassment against Edmundo González Urrutia

The leader of the PUD He said on Sunday that the Prosecutor’s Office “intends to subject him to an interview without specifying the condition under which he is expected to appear and pre-qualifying crimes that he did not commit.”

The opposition bloc He denounced “judicial harassment” of his standard-bearer after the “repeated” summons from the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate, Among other issues, the disclosure of “83.5% of the electoral records” that the alliance claims to have gathered through witnesses and table members, something that – it insists – confirms Maduro’s defeat, despite the official result, also validated by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ).

While the government and the Attorney General’s Office have described the records collected by the opposition as false, several organizations have supported their veracity, including the Carter Center, which participated as an observer in the elections, invited by the National Electoral Council (CNE).

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