Bharath, Paray, PEP leader agree with Kamla’s manifesto plan

  • Aug, Thu, 2024

Senior Political Reporter

Former government minister Vasant Bharath, Progressive Empowerment Party (PEP) political leader Phillip Alexander and Mayaro MP Rushton Paray have all spoken favourably about Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s election manifesto plans.

However, Chaguanas West MP Dinesh Rambally says Persad-Bissessar should do like US President Joe Biden and step aside.

“Kamla must go,” Rambally declared yesterday, after Persad-Bissessar revealed parts of UNC’s general election manifesto on Monday.

Bharath, who recently reconnected with the UNC after Persad-Bissessar reached out to him, said, “I believe the recommendations form part of a draft document. Although I have not had an opportunity to see the full document, I would agree with the proposals laid out, particularly those relating to reform of the criminal justice system and jump-starting the economy.

“A reduction in the cost of living, particularly food prices, fuel prices and a living wage are all proposals I am in full agreement with.”

Paray, whose United Patriots slate unsuccessfully challenged Persad-Bissessar’s Stars team in the UNC’s internal elections, said, “The UNC leadership has presented manifesto items that, if backed by substance, could indeed offer a path out of the economic and social turmoil inflicted by nine years of PNM misrule.

“Their focus on judiciary reform, victim support and public health is essential for national recovery. The position on the cashless society is but one component of a digital economy. This has to be revisited urgently.

“However, for these initiatives to succeed we must acknowledge the critical need for a bipartisan approach to legislative reforms and fiscal management—an area that was conspicuously absent from the discourse. The real work lies beyond the rhetoric and platform fodder. With strategic funding and responsible debt management, a strong UNC leadership can rebuild T&T. A stronger UNC means a stronger nation.”

Alexander said the PEP has recommitted support for the UNC and Persad-Bissessar, following her manifesto announcement that any government she leads would be opposed to the introduction of a property tax and commit to an examination of the administration of justice.

“To take such strong positions on those issues takes a mammoth amount of courage,” he said.

Alexander added that the Opposition Leader’s announcements “align with the conditions we in the PEP set out as urgent and important and gives us all the confidence we need to maintain our support to ensure that she is elected prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago whenever the next general election is called.”

He said citizens have a responsibility to themselves and future generations to ensure that they vote for the enshrinement of civil liberties and constitutional rights that uphold their sovereign democracy, as well as to “seek out and support those who take the right position on this side of freedom at great risk to themselves and their fortunes.”

The PEP leader added, “We see the hands of those who would benefit from the removal of our rights and liberties behind all the raging distractions and political turmoil suddenly present to all who would stand against these agendas, and we call on all right-thinking people to ignore all distractions, put aside their differences and to join forces on these most pressing issues, as the consequences of failure is a future too nightmarish to envision.”

Alexander said citizens should recall the Patrick Manning-led PNM’s decimation at the 2010 polls.

“Let that be our reality again. Join together to sweep from office the current band of failures that have destroyed our economy, plundered our resources to enrich their friends and financiers, and left a trail of blood, death and corruption as their legacy.

“The PEP is clear that the next election is going to be a battle for the very freedom of our people and based on that, recommit our support announced on March 2 and pledge ourselves, our resources and strong voices to ensure Kamla Persad-Bissessar is T&T’s next prime minister and will work assiduously to ensure that becomes a reality.”

Rambally: Kamla should go like Biden

However, Rambally, a supporter of Paray’s UP team, urged Persad-Bissessar to step aside like US President Biden.

“I haven’t listened to a word Mrs Persad-Bissessar said on whichever day she spoke. In fact, I’m surprised that she did, as she seemed to have gone into some kind of slumber for the past couple of months,” he said.

“In my humble opinion, the only thing Kamla needs to do is to step aside like Joe Biden did in America and give the UNC party and T&T the room it needs to breathe.”

The Chaguanas West MP added, “I’ll personally pay for a special long vacation for both her and Rowley to leave T&T permanently, then it doesn’t matter what the manifestos are as the people will finally be put first. I have absolutely no malice or ill will towards any politician but for the people’s sake, Kamla must go.”

Another UP supporter, Cumuto/Manzanilla MP Rai Ragbir, said, “Sorry, I haven’t had the privilege of reading UNC’s manifesto except extracts from the newspapers.”

Fellow UP supporters Rodney Charles and Anita Haynes-Alleyne didn’t respond to calls.

The post Bharath, Paray, PEP leader agree with Kamla’s manifesto plan first appeared on CNC3.