Maduro demanded that governments respect his reelection

  • Aug, Wed, 2024

Nicolás Maduro on Wednesday demanded respect and recognition for his re-election as president of Venezuela, in reference to statements by countries such as Brazil and Chile regarding the electoral process and the subsequent political crisis generated by the results.

He compared the situation to the electoral process in Brazil, where former President Jair Bolsonaro questioned the results. “Bolsonaro said there was going to be fraud and the Supreme Court of Brazil decided that President Lula was the winner of the elections and that was the holy word. Who messed with Brazil? Nobody,” he said.

The official leader stressed that at the time his administration respected the public powers of Brazil and rejected any attempt to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries. “We only said: we respect Brazilian institutions and that they should resolve their problems internally, as it should be,” he said.

Maduro said that after losing the elections and “fleeing to Miami,” Bolsonaro planned an alleged attack on the powers of Brazil, comparing it, in his opinion, with what is currently happening in Venezuela. “Bolsonaro went to Miami and on January 8 he led an attack, and what did we do? We immediately condemned the fascist violent outbreaks and respected the Brazilian Constitution,” he said.

He reiterated his call for respect for Venezuelan sovereignty and asked the world not to interfere in the country’s affairs. “With Bolivarian morality intact, we demand that the world not stick its nose into Venezuela’s internal affairs and respect sovereignty, Venezuela must be respected,” he reiterated.

Respect for your re-election

He insisted that it is up to Venezuelan institutions to resolve political differences, referring to the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) ruling that validated the result announced by the National Electoral Council (CNE), both bodies controlled by people close to Chavez.

“The fascist, coup-mongering and violent right has failed again. Today is a day of victory, of peace, today we have to say it again, one month after the victory of the Venezuelan people against the fascist currents,” he said.

He considered that in the last 30 days, Chavismo, which has governed the country since 1999, has waged a “battle for the truth” and has won, because – he said – the country is “at peace” after post-electoral protests and police operations that resulted in more than 2,400 arrests and 25 deaths, according to state sources, which do not include the total number of people arrested in recent weeks.

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