Cunupia Govt Primary School pupils take a stand against bullying

  • Nov, Sat, 2024

Akash Samaroo

Senior Reporter/Producer

Hundreds of pupils of the Cunupia Government Primary School marched along the Southern Main Road yesterday, united in condemning bullying and violence in all its forms. Clad in blue and white T-shirts with the words, “No Violence! No Bullying”, the pupils, along with their parents and guardians, proudly held aloft placards with some that read, “Words hurt, choose them wisely” and “Bullying is a choice, choose wisely.”

Along the journey, the pupils would periodically shout “No!” to bullying as well as rejecting criminal acts such as murder, robberies and sexual assault.

Principal Weldon Gore told Guardian Media that instilling values of compassion for others and a culture of non-violence is a hallmark of the school’s DNA, as there is a zero-tolerance policy regarding bullying at the 91-year-old institution.

“We all know the situation in this country, especially in this area, where we have crimes such as extortion. Right through the school, we have signs saying ‘No Bullying’. We remind children of this on a daily basis through morning assemblies, and we have our house system where anyone caught with even the simplest act of bullying, we deduct points from their house,” he explained.

Yesterday’s theme was “No to Violence and Bullying.” The principal said that every two years the school takes a stand on a social issue. Gore said the theme was inspired by a mandate handed down to them from the Education Ministry.

“The Ministry of Education has a new initiative called Cultural Transformation Through Curriculum Enhancement where we have to develop the whole child. It’s not just about academics. And every school has to do a ‘No Violence Day’ and an anti-bullying campaign, and we did both things on one day.”

Gore said he was pleased with yesterday’s turnout and the participation of the parents as well as staff assigned to the school.

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