TSJ in exile recognizes Edmundo González as president

  • Aug, Sat, 2024

The Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) in exile spoke out on Friday, August 30, during a press conference held in Miami, United States, in which it recognized the Opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia as the winner of the presidential election held on July 28, 2024.

During the conference, held at the headquarters of the Interamerican Institute for Democracy (IDD), the magistrates presented a document in which they rejected the actions of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and the president of the TSJ appointed by the government of Nicolás Maduro, Caryslia Rodríguez.

«Beyond the illegitimacy of citizens Caryslia Beatriz Rodríguez, Fanny Márquez and Inocencio Figueroa,
who act assuming the condition of magistrates of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice,
As noted above, the incomprehensible action attempted by Nicolás Maduro Moros, as
President-elect, it turns out to be unacceptablegiven its lack of legitimacy to exercise it,” the statement said.

Supreme Court President Antonio Marval has rejected the changes to Venezuela’s legislative branch and reiterated his position in favor of democracy and justice.

“It is a moment of support for our brothers who are in Venezuela. Even though we are far away, I want you to know that we are close to all of you.“Marval said.

On the other hand, Domingo Salgado, second vice president of the Supreme Court, read the statement that declared “invalidated the act of validation of the decision of the CNE in relation to the results of the presidential elections of July 28, 2024.”

The second vice president stressed that the voting process involves a series of steps that must be completed “fully and progressively,” something that, in his opinion, did not happen.

TSJ in exile denounced threats against table witnesses

The Supreme Court in exile stated that the first complaints about irregularities in the elections came from opposition electoral witnesses who, according to the statement, were attempted to be evicted from the voting centers when the vote counts were being carried out, in addition to receiving threats of not being given the copies of the minutes that “legally correspond to them.”

«International electoral observation was informed of the real results and made it known to the public
public, which was being forged to issue a single bulletin, which did not come from the totalization room and which
“declared the winner to be the candidate who was not in favor of the results,” the TSJ stated in the document.

According to data from the NGO Foro Penal, from July 29 to August 28, 1,581 people were arrested, 114 of them minors.

political prisoners

Opposition leaders rejected summons from the Public Ministry to González Urrutia

On August 30, it was learned that Edmundo González Urrutia did not appear before the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the framework of an investigation against him.

González Urrutia, 75 years old, did not appear at the three appointments set by the MP this week, which were published on social media by the attorney general, Tarek William Saab, who accuses the opposition leader of “conspiracy” and “usurpation of functions.”

The state channel Venezolana de Televisión (VTV) indicated in a press release that in the “next few hours” the Prosecutor’s Office will make a statement to indicate What will be the “new actions to be taken regarding this case”?.

Various human rights organizations have denounced persecution by the Venezuelan regime against those who speak out against the results issued by the CNE that declared Nicolás Maduro the winner with 51.95% of the votes, compared to 43.18% obtained by Edmundo González and validated by the TSJ of the Nicolás Maduro government on August 22.

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