Lula insists that Maduro prove that he won the presidential elections

  • Sep, Fri, 2024

He President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silvareiterated this Friday that it does not recognize the result of the elections in Venezuela and insisted that Nicolás Maduro “prove” that he won those elections, denounced as fraudulent.

“I think Maduro’s behavior is disappointing,” Lula said in an interview with Difusora radio, in which he noted that “in Brazil, democracy was learned with much suffering,” although he clarified that “when people are extremists, they don’t accept it.”

He alluded to the attitude of former President Jair Bolsonaro, whom he defeated in the 2022 elections, and maintained that the far-right leader “She spent a month crying at home, not accepting defeat and thinking about what to do” to prevent him from assuming power.

“I think that Maduro, as president, should prove that he was the favorite of the Venezuelan people, but he doesn’t do it“Lula lamented.

Lula and Petro insist on promoting dialogue between Maduro and the opposition

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva with his Colombian counterpart Gustavo Petro – Archive

The progressive leader explained that the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, and he They insist on promoting dialogue between Maduro and the Venezuelan oppositionwhich claims victory in the July 28 elections and has the support of a large part of the international community.

He added that Brazil “will not break relations” with Venezuela and will insist on a negotiated solution, although he also clarified that he does not support “unilateral sanctions” against that country because that “harms the people, not Maduro.”

The victory of Maduro was proclaimed by the National Electoral Council (CNE) and later ratified in a controversial process that Maduro himself promoted before the Supreme Court of Justice, although until today the detailed voting records table by table have not been presented.

Lula, Petro and to a lesser extent the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, They have attempted mediation and insist on the publication of these minutes, which the opposition published on an internet page with a result widely favorable to its candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia.

Following the publication of these documents, the Public Prosecutor’s Office has opened a criminal investigation and requested an arrest warrant against González Urrutia, whom it accuses of “usurpation of functions”, “forgery of public documents”, “inciting disobedience”, “conspiracy”, “sabotage to damage systems” and “association to commit crimes”.

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