More drama at MovieTowne in Trinidad

  • Sep, Sat, 2024

(Trinidad Express) The drama continued at MovieTowne yesterday as security hired by the Port of Spain Infrastructure Company (POSINCO) threatened to use force against the Trinbago Commercial Development Company Limited (TCDC) security if they closed the doors of the administrative office.

The imbroglio was sparked after staff attempted to close the door and POSINCO Security insisted that it remain open.

MovieTowne’s officials told the Express that POSINCO Security even used a piece of cardboard to keep the door ajar and from not being locked.

Bacchannal followed just before 11 a.m. when TCDC chairman Derek Chin arrived with his team of security and he (Chin) questioned what he said were “unlawful” actions of POSINCO’s security.

The Express obtained video footage of the altercation where a POSINCO Security is seen saying “I don’t care! The point is I have a job to do”

The security is heard further saying “You tell me you want to close the door. I am telling you no!”

TCDC’s Telecom Security officer is heard saying “they can’t be threatening us with firearms”.

Chin is also heard pointing out that his officers are not armed.

Another video showed the cardboard that was used to prevent the door from being closed.

Eventually, Chin told his security to leave the POSINCO Security alone and leave the door open.

The Express was told by a MovieTowne manager that majority of the administrative staff are women and the presence of POSINCO’s security on a daily basis and their actions are intimidating.

“They are specifically engaging in bullying tactics and intimidating my staff by stationing two large men outside our premises. The court order does not grant them any access to our administration building, yet they are attempting to force us to leave our door open….We question why they are insisting on having our office door open and what their intentions are. They are further escalating the situation by threatening to use force if we do not comply with their demands,” said a manager.

POSINCO, which oversees the land rentals for the Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (PATT) and TCDC have been in a legal dispute over some $10 million in rent that they claim is owed by TCDC.

TCDC has argued that they do not owe this amount as they rejected a valuation report by G.A Farrell & Associates which they say is flawed and caused them to overpay rent.

On Monday POSINCO issued a release stating that, after two unsuccessful injunctions filed by TCDC’s attorneys, POSINCO retains its right of possession of the facility in accordance with the Deed of Lease

“Since 2021, POSINCO has made every effort to bring this matter to an amicable resolution, in the hope that the matter would not reach the Courts. However, no payments were made by the TCDC toward its rent. In the interest of its stakeholders and business, POSINCO was left with no choice but to take action,” the release stated.

POSINCO stated that it has complied with the conditions of the order issued by the High Court of Trinidad and Tobago on August 26, 2024.

The order directs POSINCO, among other things, not to interfere with Movie Towne’s operations or those of its tenants while the substantive matter between POSINCO and TCDC is heard.

TCDC hit back saying POSINCO’S release was misleading and disingenuous.

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