Abascal calls Sánchez, Borrell and Zapatero accomplices of Maduro

  • Sep, Tue, 2024

Vox leader Santiago Abascal said on Tuesday that the president of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, the high representative of foreign policy of the European Union, Josep Borrell, and former president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero They are “accomplices” of Nicolás Maduroand considers it “serious” The exile of the opposition leader Edmundo González.

Speaking to the media at the demonstration called for this afternoon by the Venezuelan opposition outside Congress, Abascal accused Sánchez, Borrell, Zapatero and the Venezuelan authorities of working together to achieve the “forced exile” of González.

Abascal regretted the forced exile of Edmundo González

«Some with brutal torture even of children, with repression and murders and others, by not recognising the legitimate and elected president after elections that were not fair and by not doing what they should have done both in the EU and from the government, have achieved what the regime (of Maduro) intended: González’s forced exilehe lamented.

Abascal has criticised the government for presenting itself as a “liberator”, Borrell for “having created all kinds of obstacles in the way of the European institutions so that the EU would not recognise González as the winner”, and Zapatero for “his shameful and unworthy behaviour” and having become “the main accomplice of the dictatorship”.

He also referred to the proposal that will be voted on Wednesday in Congress for recognize Edmundo González as the elected president of Venezuelaon the initiative of the PP and which the PNV will support, thus facilitating its passage. He regretted that the government treats the Lower House “like a piece of garbage.”

“(Sanchez) has the same respect for the opposition and Parliament that Maduro has for the winner of the elections in Venezuela,” said the leader of Vox.

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