Journalism’s new shield against repression

  • Sep, Thu, 2024

In a country where the practice of journalism has become a high-risk activity, the media in Venezuela have resorted to the artificial intelligence (AI) to continue reporting.

In the face of a State that relentlessly controls and censors, it emerged as a tool of resistance, protecting journalists and guaranteeing access to truthful information in times of oppression.

In this sense, the introduction of avatars of AIas “La Chama” and “El Pana”reflects the way information is disseminated. These digital characters manage to avoid prosecution, allowing the truth to be communicated without exposing journalists.

Also, as part of the initiative “Operation Retweet”these events have informed. About what? The repressions and human rights violations that have occurred after the last elections of July 28, 2024, elections in Venezuela.

Chatbots: The New Artificial Intelligence Initiative

In addition to avatars that narrate news, some Venezuelan media have implemented chatbots as crucial tools in the fight against disinformation.

Among them is the one created by the medium Firefly Effect called “The Whatsapp Aunt”a bot that verifies viral content, helping citizens discern between true and false information in an environment saturated with government propaganda.

In this way, it allows users to corroborate the veracity of the information circulating on social networks, using an interface powered by artificial intelligence.

The chatbot also does the same thing. “DatAvenger”created by the alternative media Republic TVin collaboration with TV Street and News All Now. It works through a chat WhatsAppwhich offers several tools to fight disinformation. It also seeks to educate and assist users so that they can spread legitimate, verified and valuable information.

In an environment where censorship and disinformation have become tools of control, the use of artificial intelligence in Venezuelan journalism is not only a technological innovation, but a necessary response to preserve access to information. truthful information.

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