A call for quick legal action against those gunning down kids

  • Aug, Thu, 2024

Senior Reporter

The murder of a child should attract the immediate attention and action of the Police Service, and all those in authority.

That’s the view of TTPS Legal Officer, Inspector Zaheer Ali.

According to Inspector Ali, far too many children have been gunned down without their killers facing any legal repercussions.

Pointing to the murder of five-year-old Anika Guerra along with her father, he maintains that the entire society needs to engage in some serious introspection.

“That five-year-old child— that daughter of the soil—who has lost her life in a [scenario] associated with serious violence,” he says, “I don’t need to look at 402 [murder toll], or 26 less than, or that sort of comparison.”

“That [murder of Anika Guerra] in itself should be sufficient for every decision maker to be sitting this morning, contemplating the next step to be able to deal [with] and respond to this particular issue,” he argues.

Inspector Ali also says claims by business owners in Moruga that they are being extorted demand an immediate response from the highest levels of the Police Service.

“It is very disturbing and concerning,” he stated.  “Apart from the crime aspect, it [extortion of businesses] is also affecting the economics, of that particular area, and Trinidad and Tobago.”

“There should be an immediate inquiry and audit into that particular [policing] division to determine whether in fact there is any neglect of duty,” the TTPS Legal Officer asserts.

Inspector Zaheer Ali was a guest on today’s edition of CNC3’s The Morning Brew show.

The post A call for quick legal action against those gunning down kids first appeared on CNC3.