“A letter signed under duress has no value”

  • Sep, Wed, 2024

This Wednesday a document was released in which Edmundo González allegedly recognized the results given by the CNE that award the victory to Maduro, on which the Former diplomat said he was coerced into signing the text. Given this scenario, Opposition leader Antonio Ledezma held that “A letter signed under duress has no value whatsoever.”

Ledezma pointed out that Gonzalez Urrutia will continue to defend the will of the Venezuelan people and “overcome any maneuver” by the Chavista administration.

“They can take out whatever letters they want. Letters signed under duress have no value, when someone signs a letter with a gun to their head, it’s worthless.”said.

Antonio Ledezma thanked the Spanish Senate for its decision

Ledezma thanked the Senate of Spain for recognizing Edmundo González as “president-elect” of Venezuela.

“He The Senate of Spain approved the motion to recognize Edmundo González Urrutia as the elected president of Venezuela. We thank all the senators who supported this historic decision, reaffirming the commitment to democracy and freedom of the Venezuelan people,” he said.

Senate approved recognition of Edmundo González as “president-elect of Venezuela”

The decision was adopted with 149 votes in favour, 102 against and 2 abstentions. After the announcement, the Popular Party bench stood up to applaud the Venezuelans who accompanied the vote from the guest gallery.

In the PP motion, the members of the popular bench also call for “to implement measures that support the transfer of power and the transition to democracy in Venezuela”.

Senator José Antonio Monago Terraza said that the debate in the session was not “a simple question” of foreign policy, but rather “defending the fundamental principles that nourish any democracy.”

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