Spain is urged to provide explanations to clarify Edmundo González’s accusations

  • Sep, Wed, 2024

Officials of the Popular Party demanded explanations from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, in order to “clarify the accusations” of the Venezuelan opposition candidate, Edmundo Gonzalez, revealing that he signed a document from the Nicolás Maduro regime under “coercion”. In his opinion, it should be clarified whether Spain “granted political asylum to the man who won the elections once the regime managed to blackmail him and get from him what they wanted with threats and coercion.”

The party led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo reacted in this way after Edmundo González denounced on Wednesday that he had been coerced by the Chavista authorities to sign a document in which he recognized Nicolás Maduro’s victory in the elections in exchange for allowing him to leave the country for Spain.

González revealed how, while he was at the residence of the Spanish ambassador, Ramón Santos Martínez, the president of the National Assembly of 2020, Jorge Rodríguez, and the vice president of the country, Delcy Rodríguez, came with a document that he had to endorse in order to leave the country.“Either I signed it or I would face the consequences.”he said. “There were very tense hours of coercion, blackmail and pressure,” he admitted.

They ask for explanations to clarify Edmundo González’s accusations

The PP echoed González Urrutia’s statements and asked the government for clarification after he denounced that “two senior officials of the Maduro regime entered the Spanish embassy to intimidate and coerce him.”

«We still don’t know what the Venezuelan vice president (referring to Delcy Rodríguez) did on her visit to Spain a few years ago in the presence of the then number 2 of the PSOE and a commissioner of a corrupt plot, But we do know that on this occasion he has set foot on Spanish soil, that of our embassy in Caracas, to threaten a political leader who has won an election, as recognized by Congress,” PP sources told Europa Press.

The Popular Party stressed that it wants to know “if the ambassador in Venezuela was present during the threats reported by Edmundo González” or “if on the contrary he left the room to let Maduro’s envoys do their thing.”

According to the PP, the government of Pedro Sánchez, who has said that he “did not negotiate anything with the regime” of Maduro, “allowed the entry” into the Spanish embassy “of two high-ranking officials of the Venezuelan dictatorship so that they could threaten González on Spanish soil.”

“Therefore, Spain granted political asylum to the man who won the elections once the regime managed to blackmail him and get what they wanted from him with threats and coercion,” added the PP sources, who urged Albares to give explanations today to “clarify Edmundo González’s accusations.”

«We want the truth»

This demand for explanations from the Sánchez government was also made by the vice-secretary of Institutional Affairs of the PP, Esteban González Pons. “Albares, answer!” he said, describing as “shameful” the fact that Vice-President Delcy Rodríguez “coerced, blackmailed and pressured the elected president of Venezuela at the residence of the Spanish ambassador.”

“We want the truth. What criminal scheme is Sánchez’s government involved in? Torture in the embassy? It was not humanity, but complicity,” said the PP MEP in a message on his official account on the social network X, which was picked up by Europa Press.

According to Pons, “Sánchez’s ambassador not only consented to the blackmail in his residence, he also allowed photos to be taken to continue blackmailing later.” “Albares, what do you know and you keep quiet? Where have you hidden?” This is the policy of mobsters and criminals, what a shame for Spain’s name there”he denounced.

«The Spanish government cannot be in cahoots with Chavismo»

The PP spokesman in Congress, Miguel Tellado, believes that the words of Edmundo González show that the Spanish Embassy has been “used by the Venezuelan dictatorship as a safe house to coerce, blackmail and pressure the elected president of Venezuela.”

In his opinion, Sánchez and Zapatero knew this and “they dared to give lessons in humanity”“It is extremely serious even for a government mired in moral poverty like Sánchez’s,” he said.

The PP spokesperson in the Senate, Alicia García, also took a position, stating that “the Maduro regime continues with its agenda of terror, coercing and threatening opposition leaders such as Edmundo González to the point of forcing them to flee the country.”

“That Jorge Rodríguez and Delcy Rodríguez appeared at the Spanish Embassy to coerce the legitimate president It is a blatant act of submission to Chavismo. “Only one is missing: Rodríguez Zapatero,” he said, to emphasize that “the Spanish government cannot be in cahoots with Chavismo.”

“What an anti-democratic crime”

The deputy spokesperson for the Popular Party in Congress, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, denounced the “coercion, blackmail, threats and dirty play against the president-elect of Venezuela at the residence of the Spanish ambassador in Caracas.” “What an anti-democratic crime. What a colossal scandal”he exclaimed.

According to Álvarez de Toledo, apart from Maduro and the officials of his government, this “scandal” has as “protagonists” in Spain the former president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, the minister Albares, and the Spanish ambassador Ramón Santos.

The deputy secretary of Health and Education of the PP, Ester Muñoz, criticised that in “a Spanish embassy, ​​in the presence of an ambassador of the kingdom of Spain, on Spanish soil” it is allowed “for ministers of a dictatorship to coerce and threaten the elected president of Venezuela who is asking for asylum” in Spain. “But what is this? In exchange for what did the government allow it? Who else was there?” It was not humanity, it was complicity,” he added.

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