ABUNDANT natural resource makes property tax needless – Trinidad and Tobago

ABUNDANT natural resource makes property tax needless – Trinidad and Tobago

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The national budget carried announcement the tax will rest at $90 – expensive when you’re lower rung. Oil and gas can fulfil needs and more. We stand as the richest state apart from Bahamas, Barbados – who have no fossil fuels.
Our budget is tens of billions a year, none can say we short on cash for a small population.

Proposals split in two parts.


INVEST the fossil revenue in

a. tourism – Bahamas, richest Caribbean state relies on.
b. local medicine production. Reduces import bill and develops skilled labour.
c. clean energy – such as hydrogen and battery vehicles, solar and such.
d. equity stakes in foreign companies. A foreign investment.
e. small electronics production.
f. state owned software and video game development companies. Coupled to training and grants to individuals.
g. various RESEARCH LABS as a minimum specializing in computer, agricultural and medicine.
h. fully subsidized private trade school and university to open the door to more talent, especially from ranks of the poverty stricken, in turn training an EDUCATED LABOR FORCE to reach FIRST WORLD STATUS.
i. local agriculture production – realized by free land distribution and farmer training. End goal is cheap eating and exporting food, the food import bill meantime shrinks from the 5 billion.
j. both small business and micro enterprise grants to the masses. Creates jobs, pride, competition and reduces lawbreaking.

In effect maintain an EXPANDED revenue stream while reducing – not eliminating dependence on oil and gas, whilst providing job creation and multiple hi tech sectors.

2. BASIC NEEDS – divert fossil money to –

a. a wealth share Guaranteed Minimum Income of 5 grand monthly to adults employed or not to restrict poverty and eliminate low income class. Money would go afar curbing desperation and attendant crime.
b. first shelter and rehab EACH vagrant to return to society.
c. build affordable housing in mass in numbers for all. Tens of thousands of families live as squatters.
d. fix roads and piping. Infrastructure has broken down nationwide. Half of all roads are potholed.
e. enact a UNIVERSAL HEALTH SYSTEM whereby PRIVATE pharmacy and doctors are covered at near nil by the state out of pocket, meantime PUBLIC health is brought up to private’s standards. The UNIVERSAL HEALTH SYSTEM functions far afield as Israel, Mexico, Canada, Scandinavia, Barbados and world topping FRANCE. Currently decent healthcare is unaffordable for the majority, obtainable in private institutions for the rich, say nothing of abroad.
F. Provide a school grant COVERING IN FULL price of uniforms, books, tablet digital textbooks for public AND private schools aiming for EQUALITY. Parents cannot meet costs.
g. money to assist troubled families with social help.
h. creation of a MENTAL HEALTH MINISTRY. Among roles are targeting families, prisoners, general public, assessing national security members like police. Mental health is one reason for crime.
i. ensure all homes have 24 hours water from pipes.
j. countryside modernization – develop roadways and bridges, along with clean energy, infrastructure in whole. Provide new housing and place economic and educational facilities there.

End result is overdue high living standards for each citizen, exists only middle and upper classes as money doesn’t reach the poor. The middle class is endangered.

Summarizing, Trinidadians are taxed high and low and living standards have declined. Crime on the upswing. We don’t see the fruits of taxes. Taxing to prosperity is unworkable. The current oil and gas money spent well, will not burden citizens.
