Andrés Velásquez calls the siege of the Argentine embassy a policy of terror

  • Sep, Sat, 2024

The opponent Andres Velasquez said this Saturday that the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro“continues its policy of terror and brutal repression to the maximum,” he said, following the “siege” by police since Friday at the residence of the Argentine Embassy in Caracas – under the protection of Brazil after the expulsion of the diplomatic mission of the southern country – where six opponents are sheltering.

Through X, the opposition member claimed that the “siege” of the diplomatic headquarters is “to assault it and take away the comrades protected there,” although the entry of the security forces into the headquarters has not been reported.

«The siege breaks diplomatic treaties, human rights protections, and the rule of law»said the anti-Chavez leader.

Earlier, Magalli Meda, one of the refugees, reported that the police have “taken over” the “accesses” to the residencewhere, he said, the electricity is “cut off,” something that had already been reported on Friday night by another of the asylum seekers, Omar González, who reported that they are maintaining a “small emergency plant” to have the service.

For its part, the opposition party led by María Corina Machado, Vente Venezuela (VV), denounced in X that Argentina’s residence in Caracas woke up “surrounded by hooded and armed agents of the regime.”

What is happening with the Argentine embassy in Venezuela?

In this regard, González stated in X that “security agents of the Maduro regime do not allow journalists to approach the headquarters of the Argentine Embassy in Caracas.”

This Friday, the International Coordinator of VV, Pedro Urruchurtu -also a refugee-, denounced the presence of agents from the Directorate of Strategic and Tactical Actions (DAET) of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) and the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin).

In addition to Urruchurtu, Meda and González, Claudia Macero, VV’s Communications Coordinator, Humberto Villalobos, electoral coordinator of the VV Campaign Command, and former minister Fernando Martínez Mottola, advisor to the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), the main opposition bloc, are also in asylum.

The six opposition members sought refuge after the Public Prosecutor’s Office accused them of various crimes, including conspiracy and treason.

Since August, Brazil has been overseeing the diplomatic missions of Peru and Argentina in Venezuela, as well as representing their interests and citizens in the country, following the expulsion of members of both delegations.

Brazil also took custody of the six opposition members who had taken refuge at the Argentine headquarters.

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