Media Monitoring


  • Sep, Mon, 2024
Tobago’s latest murder linked to hit list

Eliz­a­beth Gon­za­les To­ba­go Cor­re­spon­dent To­ba­go’s mur­der count hit an­oth­er record yes­ter­day morn­ing when a fa­ther of one be­came the is­land’s 24th mur­der vic­tim. Nicholas Mitchell, 32, who is al­so known…

  • Sep, Sun, 2024
Bullet to the head, Maloney man found dead

Police are yet to identify the motive for the murder of 30-year-old Cyril Greaves. Greaves of Building 11, Maloney Gardens, D’Abadie, was shot dead around 11pm on Friday near his…

  • Sep, Sun, 2024
Lee denies Rambally’s claim of being sidelined

News Sean Douglas 18 Hrs Ago Minister of Youth Development and National Service Foster Cummings, left, jokes with UNC MPs Rushton Paray, Dinesh Rambally, Rodney Charles and Dr Rai Ragbir…

  • Sep, Sun, 2024
Why do youths join and stay in gangs

Unmasking the influence: Gang culture in Trinidad and Tobago Janelle De Souza 13 Hrs Ago Tobago recorded its 20th murder in Calder Hall on August 21. The murder toll in…