Conditional release for Carmela Longo, accused of terrorism and inciting hatred

  • Aug, Mon, 2024

Venezuelan journalist Carmela Longo, dedicated to entertainment news, was released this Monday after spending a day in detention due to an investigation for alleged “terrorism”of which details are unknown, confirmed the National Union of Press Workers (SNTP).

“She was brought before the court in a telematic hearing on the morning of August 26 and charged with terrorism and inciting hatred. She is prohibited from leaving the country, subject to a presentation regime and is prohibited from declaring or writing about her case,” the union explained in X.

Longo and her son were taken to a police station in Caracas on Sunday, where she was detained, after a “raid” of her home that was carried out by officials of the Criminal Investigations Division (DIP) of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB).

On Tuesday, Carmela Longo said, through Xwho was fired after almost 20 years of work, already “four days after leaving for vacation,” from the newspaper Latest News -close to Chavez- where she was a union delegate “for more than half of that time.”

The journalist’s dismissal was rejected by non-governmental organisations and opposition leaders, who denounced “repression” against the press in the country.

Following his release, 12 journalists remain in prison – 6 of them arrested after the elections of 28 July – of which at least 4 – says the SNTP – have been charged with the crime of “terrorism”, to which Longo is added.

Through X, the union has warned of “illegal and arbitrary use of anti-terrorism laws (…), especially against journalists and photojournalists detained during post-election protests.”

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