CPL finals go back to Guyana in 2025, Barbados in 2026

  • Oct, Sun, 2024

Gyasi Mer­rique

On the heels of calls for the Re­pub­lic Bank Caribbean Pre­mier League fi­nals to be re­turned to Trinidad and To­ba­go, the tour­na­ment’s or­gan­is­ers have con­firmed that Guyana has re­tained the cov­et­ed pack­age in 2025 while Bar­ba­dos will host it in 2026.

Guyana’s ini­tial three-year con­tract ends at the con­clu­sion of the cur­rent edi­tion how­ev­er CPL have agreed to a one-year deal for the fi­nals to be held there in 2025.

Pe­te Rus­sell, CPL’s CEO, said: “Guyana and Bar­ba­dos have been amaz­ing part­ners for CPL over the last 12 years and it is re­al­ly ex­cit­ing to be able to an­nounce that they will be hosts for the fi­nals in 2025 and 2026 re­spec­tive­ly.”

For 2026 the fi­nals will be held at the icon­ic Kens­ing­ton Oval in Bar­ba­dos for the very first time.

The Ho­n­ourable Mia Mot­t­ley, Prime Min­is­ter of Bar­ba­dos, said: “I am so hap­py to say that the CPL fi­nals 2026 will be in Bridgetown at Kens­ing­ton Oval. As you pre­pare for the long march to Bridgetown let’s hope my own team, Bar­ba­dos Roy­als, can take it to the fi­nals this year. If we don’t we will catch you next year, and for sure we are go­ing to catch you in Bridgetown in 2026.”

On­ly on Fri­day dur­ing her 2025 bud­get re­sponse, Op­po­si­tion leader Kam­la Per­sad-Biss­esar vowed that should her par­ty claim vic­to­ry in Trinidad and To­ba­go’s next gen­er­al elec­tion her gov­ern­ment would re­turn the CPL fi­nals to Trinidad and To­ba­go.

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