Ecarri will ask the TSJ to review the ruling that validates Maduro’s victory

  • Sep, Tue, 2024

Former presidential candidate Antonio Ecarri will ask the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) to review the ruling of the Electoral Chamber that validated the result of the elections of July 28in which the National Electoral Council (CNE) proclaimed the victory of President Nicolás Maduro, a triumph questioned inside and outside the country.

The document, shared with EFE by Ecarri’s press team, states that the Electoral Chamber’s ruling “violates a whole series of principles, norms and constitutional guarantees” by “failing to properly respect the principle of separation of powers” and “violating principles of procedural law.”

On August 22, the Electoral Chamber revalidated the election result in an “unequivocal and unrestricted” manner, after Maduro himself requested this process through a contentious appeal that was never heard.

According to Ecarri, the electoral dispute, as a procedural figure, does not have among its powers the “investigation and verification” to “certify in an unrestricted manner” election results, for which reason he requests that the Constitutional Court “establish order” to define “the powers of the Electoral Court” and those of the CNE.

The former candidate will ask the Constitutional Court to form a commission to establish “state pacts” in which “a broad, real, sincere political dialogue” can be achieved, with representatives of the public powers, parties and civil society, to address the post-electoral crisis that the country is experiencing.

Since election night, the largest opposition coalition, Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), denounces the result announced by the CNE and the validation of the TSJ as “fraudulent”, and reiterates that its standard-bearer, Edmundo González Urrutia – currently in asylum in Spain – is the president-elect.

This claim, the PUD insists, is supported by the “83.5% of the electoral records” that it says it has collected from witnesses and members of the voting table, documents that the Government describes as “false.”

Ecarri said that his requests will be made through the extension of an appeal filed last August against the certification process of the official election results, which – he said – has not yet been answered by the Supreme Court.

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