Family members of De Grazia and Chancellor dismiss accusations

  • Sep, Wed, 2024

Relatives of the Political leaders Américo De Grazia and Carlos Chancellor, both former mayors of municipalities in the state of Bolívardismissed the statements made by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Justice and Peace, Diosdado Cabello, who linked them to the arrest of two Spanish citizens who were allegedly planning an attempted murder of the mayor of the Piar municipality, Yulisbeth García.

According to Cabello, five Americans, two Spaniards and a Czech are reportedly in custody. accused of carrying out plans to assassinate Nicolás Maduro and other government officials by order of the Spanish Intelligence Services.

Caroni Mail spoke with María De Grazia, daughter of the former mayor of the Piar municipality and leader of the Guayana Libre organization, and a relative of Carlos Chancellor, former mayor of the Sifontes municipality and a political prisoner for the third time; who denied that those arbitrarily arrested could be linked to this operation.

So far, the governments of Spain and the United States have confirmed the arrest of their citizens and have distanced themselves from these accusations. Meanwhile, the Government of the Czech Republic sent a diplomatic note on September 16 seeking more information.

“We heard about this; however, we have not paid much attention to the fact because It seems to us to be another more absurd way of continuing to involve my father in these crimes. “They are inciting hatred and terrorism. We understand Diosdado Cabello’s new position and it is worrying that such an evil and despotic person is holding such an important public office for a nation. There is not much I can say about this, because we are defending my father from a dictatorship. The accusations are obviously false and there is no evidence to prove otherwise. People who know my father and his political career know as much as we, his family, that this is a vile lie and a vile excuse,” said María De Grazia.

After 40 days of arbitrary detention, this is the first time that the Venezuelan authorities have provided information regarding the arrest of the leaders, whose families have not been able to see them or find out what crimes they are accused of.

They won’t let him see us. We have no information. He is still in custody. “We have not been able to contact him. His brothers have made arrangements there, but we have not been able to see him,” said a relative of Chancellor, who dismissed the accusations.

“We have no proof of my father’s life nor access to provide him with lawyers or defense as due process requires. They have nothing to hold on to or use against him to justify their detention, to keep him captive. My father has been isolated and incommunicado for 40 days in every sense. They have not been able to open a case against my father because they have nothing to accuse him of. These statements by Diosdado Cabello are not important to us because they seek to justify absurd decisions,” said De Grazia.

Health status of De Grazia and Chancellor

For the relatives, one of the main concerns is the medical condition of those arrested, since despite having taken medical treatments to the Helicoide, where they are presumably being held, they have no certainty that they will be given them.

According to his relatives, Carlos Chancellor suffers from an eye disease linked to retinal degeneration, for which he must undergo monthly treatment. In this regard, there are no details on whether the prison has medical care.

“He has to get an injection every month. He has retinal degeneration and must receive this injection every month to help prevent the blood loss inside his eye from progressing and causing him to continue losing his sight. The doctor also told him that he should stay away from stress. God forbid, if his blood pressure goes up, he could get worse,” the witness said.

Despite Cabello’s statements, relatives still have no information on the crimes charged against the detainees. However, De Grazia said that a prison official said the charges are inciting hatred and terrorism.

Regarding his health condition, the daughter of the former deputy commented that suffers from a lung condition In addition, she must follow a strict diet, because she had a gastric bypass that requires a balanced diet.

“What we have learned from an El Helicoide officer, who told a family member when they brought him medicine and water, is that the crimes are incitement to hatred and terrorism. He has a lung infection and has been undergoing treatment for a month before being arrested; he was supposed to do so for 3 to 6 months. It is a treatment that could not be stopped because this would have serious consequences. It is a heavy treatment. He also had a gastric bypass operation and has to follow a strict diet and supplement regimen. We do not know what condition he is in there or what diet he is on. We do not know if they are really giving him multivitamins,” said De Grazia.

More than 40 days detained

For Carlos Chancellor, September 16 marked 41 days in prison. The arrest was carried out in the state of Anzoátegui, while he was on his way to visit his son.

De Grazia was arrested in Caracas while he was on his way to a medical appointment with a pulmonologist and was never seen again. The leader’s last publication was precisely the complaint regarding the arrest of Carlos Chancellor.

In the various post-election protests held in Guayana, citizens have asked the authorities to release the politicians who supported the candidacy of Edmundo González Urrutia during the electoral campaign.

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