FAO commemorates World Food Day

  • Oct, Wed, 2024

Food is the third most basic human need after air and water: everyone should have the right to adequate food. Precisely because of the importance of food for the life of living beings and the planet, World Food Day 2024, which is celebrated this October 16, will be dedicated to: The right to food for a better life and future.

Data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) indicates that the world’s farmers produce enough food to feed more than the existing world population, yet despite this, hunger persists. Up to 733 million people face hunger due to conflict, repeated climate crises and economic recessions.

Around 2.8 billion people in the world cannot afford a healthy diet. Unhealthy diets are the main cause of all forms of malnutrition: malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and obesity. To contribute to improving the lives and future of these people, FAO in all the countries where it is present, through various activities, promotes the right to food for everyone. In Venezuela, the Organization will carry out various initiatives for this purpose.

On October 15, at the Faculty of Sciences of the Central University of Venezuela, the forum was held The right to food for a better life and futurea space for discussion to address the issue and mechanisms to generate solutions. This forum had the participation of different actors, where each one from their area of ​​experience gave their contributions.

The forum featured presentations by: Víctor Rago, Rector of the UCV, anthropologist and doctor in linguistics (Sorbonne University-Paris); María Soledad Tapia, biologist and Numbered Individual in Chair XIII at the Academy of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences of Venezuela, and promoter of the Cinco al día Venezuela Foundation; Ever Gutierrez, Deputy Technical Director of the National Institute of Nutrition, and the Representatives of the World Food Program (WFP), Laura Melo, and the FAO, Alexis Bonte.

Additionally, the WFP, FAO and UNICEF will make presentations on the contributions of each agency towards the right to healthy and varied food for all.

What activities are planned for World Food Day?

And to close the week of commemoration of World Food Day, on Saturday, October 19, at the Book Bank, we will offer the little ones in the house a special story hour, where with the support of storytellers, we will tell the History of a t-shirtthe official story of World Food Day 2024, aims to raise awareness among this public about the importance of food and the actions that put its production and availability at risk, in addition to harming the environment.

World Food Day is an opportunity to reflect and act towards food and nutritional security for all. That is why, from different spaces, FAO emphasizes its importance and the need to ensure the fulfillment of Sustainable Development Goals 1 (End of Poverty) and 2 (Zero Hunger); and thus the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, for a better life and future, without leaving anyone behind.

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