JFK’s War with the National Security Establishment

This talk by Douglas Horne is part of the online conference The National-Security State and the Kennedy Administration https://www.fff.org/national-security-state-kennedy-administration-webinar/.

NOTE: Do to technical difficulties, the recording of the live webinar could not be used. Mr. Horne has re-recorded his presentation for this upload, including much new material that was not shown in the original live webinar.

Who were JFK’s major opponents and adversaries within his own government, with regard to the making of foreign policy at the height of the Cold War with the Soviet Union? How did his overall approach to the Cold War change during his Presidency, and why? Since the cover-story of a “lone nut” assassin firing from behind JFK’s limousine is not supported by the medical evidence, an examination of the serious internal conflicts within his own administration over the “making of the sausage” of foreign policy is extraordinarily relevant to what truly happened in Dealey Plaza in November 1963.
