Let us not give up, Trinidad and Tobago

  • Oct, Wed, 2024

THE EDITOR: With murders for the year fast approaching 500 with a little more than two months to go, it’s anybody’s guess what the figure will be at year-end. But without a doubt no one can be content with what is taking place in our country.

Criminal activities remain the number one concern of all, not just the brutal murders, but also the home invasions where innocent citizens are beaten mercilessly and some murdered, the robberies, the kidnappings, and the extortions.

If you take a look at the age group of gang members being killed and involved in all types of criminal activities, it is our youths, the future generation. These criminals are destroying the nation. The reality is that our country is bleeding.

Despite this I encourage all not to even think of throwing in the towel. This is our home and whatever people may think or say, I believe TT can rise again. Let us keep the faith. No storm lasts forever, and while it may have caused some damage, together we can rebuild.

We have had some tough times, but we are still standing and with some serious work, togetherness, and the grace of God we will come out of the hole we are in presently.

The seriousness of the situation does not permit us to be playing politics or fighting each other. Life and country are at stake, and this is no time for selfish behaviour. I call on all to do their part, with a special word to our political leaders: Learn what it is to work with each other despite differences.

You will not see eye to eye on everything, but for the sake of the country and the people, find common ground and solve the issues before us so we can stop the bleeding. Together we can make TT a better place for all.


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