Maduro’s government called Antony Blinken a “charlatan”

  • Oct, Tue, 2024

The government of Venezuela This Tuesday he called the North American Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, a “charlatan”, for whom Nicolás Maduro was “falsely” proclaimed winner in the last elections, and urged the United States to deal with its “serious problems.”

In a statement, the Maduro Executive expressed its “strong” rejection of the “latest statements” of the US official, who is, according to Caracas, “stuck in a false and monotonous narrative against the will of the Venezuelan people” and “insists on its complicity with the violent far-right extremists who have wanted to do so much damage” to the Caribbean country.

In the government’s opinion, the “obsessive politics” of the Monroe Doctrine and Washington’s “neocolonial and imperial conduct” are “the bases of support for fascist groups in the constant attacks against Venezuelan institutions, including media manipulation and social networks.” “, the use of mercenaries and attempts at assassinations and destabilization.”

«All these actions have been and will continue to be pulverized through the full exercise of revolutionary democracy“said the Chavista Executive, who urged the United States to desist “once and for all from the constant interference in the affairs of Venezuelans.”

Recently, the Secretary of State said that, after the July 28 elections, the Maduro government “manipulated the” electoral results, “repressed peaceful protesters and political opponents” and “unfairly issued an arrest warrant against the” opposition candidate. Edmundo González Urrutia, now exiled in Spain.

«If today we have a single objective, it is to guarantee that the will and votes of Venezuelans are truly respected, that they can determine their own future. Nicolás Maduro is doing everything in his power to deny that rightto strengthen their own control of power,” Blinken said.

Although Maduro was proclaimed re-elected president by the National Electoral Council (CNE), which has not yet published the disaggregated results of the votes, the largest anti-Chavista coalition – the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) – insists that the winner was its leader, González Urrutia.

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