Maduro’s representative to the UN calls the new report of the Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela ridiculous

  • Sep, Fri, 2024

Alexander Yánez Deleuze, representative of Nicolás Maduro to the United Nations, On Friday he described the new pamphlet as a “ridiculous pamphlet” Oral report issued by the Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela which reiterates the serious human rights violations committed in the country.

“This Council continues to listen to ridiculous reports from political agents, which is an example of the erratic drift of this institution of the United Nations system,” said Yánez during his speech before the UN Human Rights Council.

The Chavista diplomat assured that the document drafted by “an illegitimate mission created by the Lima Group on orders from Washington to promote regime change in the legitimate government of Venezuela.”

“Western countries insist on turning this Council into an instrument of coercion and blackmail against the sovereign peoples and governments of the South,” he said.

Fact-Finding Mission denounces torture of detainees after elections in Venezuela

The Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela presented its latest report on Friday, in which it denounced a new wave of unprecedented repression in Venezuela following the presidential elections of July 28.

They documented that arbitrary detentions, torture and sexual violence They are a continuation of the violations that were previously considered to constitute crimes against humanity.

“These violations are the result of a plan designed in advance and executed through different forms of repression: a plan to discourage, silence, and nullify political opposition and critical voices to President Maduro’s government or those who demand transparency in the election results,” said the president of the Mission, Marta Valiñas, at the Human Rights Council.

“Acts of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment continued. The mission identified a series of torture methods used by security forces or intelligence services, such as punches, beatings with wooden planks or fights with foam and electric shocks, asphyxiation with plastic hoses, immersion in cold water and forced sleep deprivation,” Valiñas said.

The Mission also continued to record acts of sexual and gender-based violence, often in detention centres, which increased following the post-electoral crisis, including “groping of breasts, buttocks and genitals, forced nudity and invasive searches, sexist threats and insults and denial of sexual and reproductive rights against some of the more than 200 women and girls detained, as well as against women visiting loved ones in detention centres.”

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