María Corina Machado thanked the Spanish Senate “for siding with the people of Venezuela”

  • Sep, Wed, 2024

Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado thanked the Spanish Senate on Wednesday for its support, after the Upper House approved urge Pedro Sánchez’s government to recognize the opposition’s standard-bearerEdmundo González Urrutia, as president-elect.

“My thanks to the Senate of Spain for siding with the people of Venezuela and respecting the truth and popular sovereignty, by recognizing Edmundo’s overwhelming victory and, therefore, his status as president-elect,” Machado said on X, where she shared a video of the moment in which the senators approved the motion.

What did the Spanish Senate approve?

The request, promoted by the Popular Party (PP) – the main opponent of the Sánchez Executive -, which has an absolute majority in the Senatehas been approved with the support of the far-right Vox and Catalan nationalists, just a week after Congress approved a similar proposal.

In defense of the initiative, Popular Party senator José Antonio Monago accused the Spanish government of “complicity” with Nicolás Maduro’s government and of “looking the other way” by not recognizing the victory of González Urrutia – exiled in Spain – in the elections of July 28.

The text includes a request for the release of the two Spanish prisoners in Venezuela, which the Maduro government links to the National Intelligence Center (CNI) and to preparing an attack against the president, and a request for institutional support so that organizations working in the South American nation can carry out their solidarity work with the population of Spanish origin.

The senators also asked the Spanish government to submit an arrest warrant to the International Criminal Court against Maduro and other “suspects” of crimes against humanity.

Sánchez, who last week met with González Urrutia at the Moncloa palace, has refused to recognise Maduro’s victory at the polls and, like many governments, has asked the authorities to publish the disaggregated results to clear up any doubts on this matter.

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