Media control destroys democracy

  • Oct, Sun, 2024

Miguel Henrique Oteropresident editor of the newspaper The Nationalsent a message this Sunday against Pedro Sánchez, Spanish president, whom he accused of wanting to copy the model of Nicolás Maduro.

At the beginning of his message, he said: “I raise my voice as president and editor of the newspaper The National of Venezuela, a newspaper taken over by the Army in 2015, also as a founding member of the Freedom and Alternative Forum, one of the organizations that present this act, but the most important: my voice represents the 8 million Venezuelans who managed to vote for Edmundo González , who gave him a resounding victory and my voice is also for those 6 million Venezuelans who were not allowed to vote and who would also have voted for Edmundo González.

The journalist commented that the European country is experiencing turbulent times, with similarities to Venezuela. «Today I speak out in defense of freedom of expression, which is a fundamental right, essential to democracy, Pedro Sanchez«.

He added in this sense: «Sánchez, you are trying to combat it with a project under the excuse of stopping hoaxes or fake news. However, what you want is to silence uncomfortable or critical voices. History is full of examples where control of the media leads to authoritarianism and the weakening of democracy.

Miguel Henrique Otero: Pedro Sánchez is the king of hoax

Otero affirmed that the Spanish president is a machine gun for telling lies, as he tries to limit the Spanish population’s access to information. “Sánchez, you are the true king of hoax.”

He also warned that Sánchez wants to copy the Maduro government model. “The alliances are known, the import of Venezuelan oil to Spain has multiplied five times this year, there are Delcy’s (Rodríguez) suitcases of gold, now the black legend is not what the English say, it is Delcy bringing the gold.”

He also regretted what he considered to be extortion of Edmundo González at the Spanish embassy in Venezuela. “It was recorded, shame on you, you should give Pedro Sánchez that recording in Spanish territory,” he said.

During his speech he criticized how the public powers in the country have been in favor of the Maduro government. «How they destroyed the pillars of democracy in Venezuela, taking the judicial system, the Supreme Court of Justice, by storm, through the judicial system democracy is blown up. “Chávez did that and Sánchez is trying to do it and the Spanish have to prevent it.”

Another aspect he spoke about was the opposition minutes that demonstrate the victory of Edmundo González in the presidential elections on July 28. «Here I am, in defense of the 8 million votes that are also in minutes secured with a QR code, deposited in the OAS, recognized by the UN, by the Carter Center, but also recognized by the Chavistas who almost all voted against Maduro and for the Armed Forces that vote in Venezuela and who also voted against Maduro,” he highlighted.

Finally, he asked the Spanish president: «Are Sánchez going to recognize the triumph of Edmundo González? Or are you not going to recognize it, like the dictatorships of Iran, North Korea, Cuba and Russia do? Which side of history do you want to be on, Sánchez? You want to take off your mask, are you a democrat? They are the two little ones: Sánchez and Maduro, the question is, which one comes out first?

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