Mickela says Patriotic Front ready to tackle crime … if elected

  • Sep, Mon, 2024

The political leader of the Patriotic Front Mickela Panday has billed the party as the only political solution for, what she described as, the overwhelming sense of hopelessness and fear gripping the country.

Panday, the daughter of the late former prime minister Basdeo Panday, sought to offer the party as a viable political option for the next general election – set for 2025.

“Nothing frightens us more than crime. Gun violence. Murder. Home invasions. Extortion. Kidnapping. And people vanishing into thin air. Every day we hear about two to three murders taking place.

“We need a change. We are fed up. We don’t have a regular supply of water. Poor drainage is causing flooding problems. Bad roads damaging our cars. High food prices . No jobs for the youth. Fed up of corruption. Waiting on an HDC house for over 20 years. No representation from their MP or councillor,” Panday said during a virtual press conference over the weekend.

According to Panday, Trinidad and Tobago faces one of the greatest challenges in its history, with the ongoing crime crisis. She said, that as a result, the country’s peace was stolen, while communities were shattered.

But that ends now, Panday sought to assure. She said the Patriotic Front was here to help.

“Firstly, we must restore law and order. First and foremost, we will bring back law and order to our streets. I know you feel fear. I feel it too. But under the Patriotic Front, fear will no longer rule our lives. We will begin with law enforcement. We will ensure that our police force is not just visible, but powerful, compassionate and effective. The days of corruption and neglect are over. We will equip our law enforcement with the tools, the training and the leadership they need to root out crime.

“Secondly, we must tackle the root causes of crime. We all know that crime is not just about criminals. Sometimes it is about the desperation that drives people to make bad decisions. It’s about the lack of opportunities, the broken homes, and the hopelessness that has festered for far too long. We will change this. The Patriotic Front will invest in our youth, giving them the tools to build a life of dignity, dignity and purpose. We will create jobs, provide education, and offer mentorship to ensure that every young person in Trinidad and Tobago sees a future filled with hope, not handcuffs. We will also confront the poverty that feeds this epidemic,” she said.

The attorney also promised to reform the justice system, if elected.

“We know that justice in Trinidad has been slow and even, and often denied. This cannot continue. The Patriotic Front will overhaul our justice system so that every victim gets the justice they deserve, and every criminal faces swift and fair consequences. We will end the backlog of cases and ensure that our courts are places where truth and fairness reigns,” she said.

Panday said the Patriotic Front has been touring the country, for some time, hearing from communities.

She said the party is currently accepting prospective candidates for the upcoming general election. She explained that they are required to download a form from patrioticfront.com and then drop off the completed form to either its San Fernando or Chaguanas office. Nominees will then be screened.

The Patriotic Front was founded in May 2019 with the intent to contest the 2020 General Election. However, the party pulled out of the election, saying it did not have enough time to firm up its plans.

In May, Panday confirmed that her party will be contesting the 2025 polls.

The post Mickela says Patriotic Front ready to tackle crime … if elected first appeared on CNC3.