Motorcyclists lead the list of fatalities in traffic accidents

  • Sep, Fri, 2024

43% of those killed in traffic accidents in August were motorcyclists, according to a report from the Road Safety Observatory (OSV).

Of the 74 people who lost their lives in road accidents, 30 were riding motorcycles, making them the most affected group. The victims were between 20 and 39 years old.

The second group with the highest number of deaths was that of the grillers, which accounted for 14% of the victims, including adolescents and young adults.

Vehicle drivers and pedestrians also figured in the statistics, accounting for 13% of the cases each. Most of the pedestrians who died were victims of collisions and were between 45 and 65 years old.

Of the 146 accidents recorded in August, the death rate was 50 per 100 incidents, while the injury rate was 140 per 100 accidents, with a total of 205 injured.

Among the injured, Men topped the list with 66.9% of cases, Motorcyclists were once again the most affected, having suffered injuries in at least 34 accidents.

They were followed by bus passengers, vehicle occupants and pedestrians, to a lesser extent.

Falcón, the state with the most traffic accidents

Falcón was the state with the highest number of traffic accidents in August, accounting for 18.4% of cases, followed by Mérida with 13% and Miranda with 11.6%.

He Capital District It also recorded a significant number of incidents, accounting for 9.5% of accidents.

Speeding was the main cause, present in 50% of the incidents. Inexperienced driving was second with 15.83%; followed by mechanical failures, which were involved in 11.67% of the incidents.

In addition, seven accidents were attributed to alcohol consumption and two to stunt riding.

Motorcycles, the most involved vehicles

As for the types of vehicles involved, Motorcycles led the statistics, present in 46.95% of accidents. Cars accounted for 33.33% of the vehicles involved, followed by cargo vehicles (8.45%) and pickup trucks (5.63%).

Most accidents occurred on avenues (39.16%), followed by streets (28.67%) and highways (13.29%).

The report also highlighted that Most of the accidents occurred between Monday and Thursday, with 50.68% of the incidents recorded on those days. While 49.32% occurred during weekends.

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