Phillip Williams, Yurok Tribe Councilmember, CA, Army Veteran

EOPA holds D.C. Climate Emergency & Energy Security Summit highlighting clean energy solutions

Elected Officials to Protect America (EOPA) lawmakers from across the country, who are also veterans, thanked President Biden for finalizing The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 — a critically important step for inflation, our nation’s security and the health of the planet. Importantly, they also implored President Biden to make a National Climate Emergency Declaration, which would unleash his presidential powers to reach a 50 percent greenhouse gas emission reduction by 2030 to combat the existential national security threat of the climate crisis.

The IRA will be transformative with $369 billion for various tax credits and measures that will help stimulate adoption of clean energy technologies. The IRA makes the largest ever American investment in climate, justice, clean energy, jobs, and lowers consumer costs while supporting critical programs to improve the health and wellbeing of American families. It would help slash climate pollution in the U.S. by an estimated 40 percent by the end of the decade, according to at least three separate analyses by think tanks and academic institutions. However, the goal scientists say is necessary to prevent the worst impacts of climate change is a 50 percent reduction in carbon pollution by 2030.
