Policies ending both poverty and vagrancy in Trinidad and Tobago

“Policies ending both poverty and vagrancy in Trinidad and Tobago”

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“Ending poverty in doable steps”

TT has the most oil/ gas regionally, thus the following is easily financed.
National benefits are less crime and better mental health as the economic desperation is removed. Expansion of the middle class becomes reality.

1. COST OF LIVING – reduce as in reversing increases in car fuel by returning the subsidy; tax rises on wheat, car imports, grape, internet shopping and the like. As is the cost of living is ever rising whilst the MINIMUM WAGE REMAINS ALMOST THE SAME, COMBINED DRIVE CITIZENS POORER.

2. Mandate LIVING WAGE – the PRIVATE SECTOR especially in great need. Workers are mentally and even physically exploited by the EMPLOYER CLASS. Humanely RAISE to 5 grand monthly, $30 hourly and INFLATION PEGGED – more inflation rises, higher people’s salary to match. INFLATION is the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time, such as the overall increase in prices or the increase in the cost of living in a country. The exploitation of MINIMUNM WAGE eliminated.

3. From the state a wealth share – in the form of GMI, GUARANTEED MINIMUM INCOME at the value of 5 grand monthly to adults earning not more than $200,000 yearly – inflation pegged. At current Cost Of Living, even 5 grand living wage isn’t enough. Combined the two equates monthly pay of 10 grand. The GMI is given to the unemployed as well. State money is public money.

4. Eat on the cheap – agriculture and fishing developed LOCALLY is key. Cut the $5 billion FOOD IMPORT BILL by local farming. Various incentives to farmers and fishermen: subsidized equipment, vet care, chemicals amongst. Assign FREE land to farmers, grow and fish majority of food. These measures make agriculture more prominent economically and a diversification out from oil.

5. Economic diversification into non oil sectors – TOURISM is obvious. Other avenues are SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT, CLEAN AND RENEWABLE ENERGY, SCIENCE LABS, MEDICINE FACTORY, MEDICAL TOURISM, FINANCE, SERVICES, RECYCLING. This can lead to a hi tech state as Asia and job creation, alongside reduced crime.

6. Price controls – the state regulates those of foodstuff and other goods when judged as too high.

7. Debt cancelling of society’s poorest – they can participate easier in society without the burden.

8. Small business and micro enterprise incentives – give low and middle income earners a chance at owning business, fully state supported. Encourage people to independence. Measures include – INTEREST FREE LOANS, SUBSIDIES ON BUSINESS ASSETS, FREE BUSINESS SCHOOL, ONE TIME BAIL OUT.

“Ending homelessness policy”

1. Vagrant rehab center for the insane – promptly vagrants are taken off streets. The insane deposited to the center to keep a tight watch.

a. The MINISTRY OF MENTAL HEALTH AND LONELINESS treats mental needs. This a state ministry fully dedicated to MENTAL HEALTH for schools, public, national security officers like police and coast guard.

b. The center equipped to REINTRODUCE INTO SOCIETY by way of trade skills, free housing, job placement, drug rehab.

c. At this point qualify for the GMI, Guaranteed Minimum Income $5,000 monthly by the state – given to them once rehabilitated.

2. Unused homes given to homeless – done where found to speed up the anti-homeless campaign. Affordable housing can also be constructed.

3. Adoption of Finland’s HOUSING FIRST plan – whereby the state provides a house IMMEDIATELY, followed by a raft of individually tailored support services: financial advice; addiction treatment; mental health support; acquiring jobs and more. Homelessness there dropped precipitously. Housing in Finland a human right.

4. Homeless alleviation managed by a Finnish national – hired, must be associated with Finland’s HOUSING FIRST plan. Responsible for the operations of state organs whose goal is HOMELESS ELIMINATION.
