PUD rejects government’s revocation of Brazilian representation to Argentine embassy

  • Sep, Sun, 2024

The Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) rejected this Saturday that the government of Nicolas Maduro revoke the authorization it had granted to Brazil to represent Argentina’s interests in Caracas -after the expulsion of Argentine diplomats in August-, where six opponents are seeking asylum.

In a statement, the PUD said that “this serious decision” is being taken at a time when the international community is demanding “evidence that confirms the result” announced by the National Electoral Council, which proclaimed Nicolás Maduro’s victory in the presidential elections, a result that the anti-Chavez bloc denounces as “fraudulent” and which several foreign governments question.

The opposition coalition expressed its concern for the six asylum seekerswho reported that security agents had been besieging the diplomatic residence since Friday night, which continued until Saturday, according to one of the refugees, Pedro Urruchurtu.

In response, the PUD demanded “strict compliance with current international regulations” as well as an “immediate” end to the “siege” of the diplomatic headquarters.

Why did the Maduro government revoke Brazil’s authorization?

The Venezuelan government revoked the authorization to Brazil for the alleged planning of “terrorist activities” of the refugees in the facilities in Argentina, who were also accused of planning “assassination attempts” against Maduro and Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez.

Following the move, the Brazilian Foreign Ministry said it would “remain responsible for safeguarding and defending Argentina’s interests” until the southern country “designates another State acceptable to Maduro’s government to carry out those functions.”

Apart from Urruchurtu, the asylum seekers are Magalli Meda, Claudia Macero, Humberto Villalobos -all members of the party Come Venezuelaformer deputy Omar González and Fernando Martínez Mottola, advisor to the PUD, who took refuge in March after being accused by the Prosecutor’s Office of conspiracy and treason, among other crimes.

Meanwhile, Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez reported this Saturday that the PUD standard-bearer, Edmundo González Urrutia left Venezuela with a safe-conduct pass granted “for the sake of political peace and tranquility” after spending “several days” taking refuge in the Spanish Embassy, ​​a country that will grant him asylum.

This was confirmed early Sunday morning by the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares.

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