Security forces raided Perkins Rocha’s residence

  • Aug, Wed, 2024

State security forces They carried out a raid at the residence of the legal advisor of Vente VenezuelaPerkins Rocha, arrested on Tuesday by “unidentified persons.”

According to information from the party on its account on X, computers and equipment were confiscated.

“We alert the international community to this attack, which demonstrates state terrorism in Venezuela,” the organization said in the message.

María Constanza Cipriani, the lawyer’s wife, said on the same social network that the raid took place without a court order.

«I have been informed that our apartment has been raided without a warrant. I do not know what they have taken and even worse, what they may have left. As well as my husband @perkinsrocha I tell you that nothing will stop our fight for freedom,” he wrote.

Rocha missing since 11:00 am

Moments earlier, Cipriani told NTN24 that he does not know Rocha’s whereabouts and that his last contact was at 11:00 am today.

“I don’t know anything at all, the last contact I had with him was this morning at 11 and the next thing I knew was an alert on X saying that he had been kidnapped. “My husband is not a criminal and there was no arrest warrant,” she stressed in the interview.

He added: “We are all aware of the risks he was taking, which are no more than the risks we all take as Venezuelans who are convinced that this fight is to the end to achieve freedom for all. We cannot allow fear to silence us.”

Lawyer Perkins Rocha played a leading role in the organization and logistics of the campaign of the Comando Con Venezuela, led by María Corina Machado.

According to official figures, more than 2,400 people have been arrested since July 29 – some in demonstrations and others in police operations – while 25 people were killed in acts of violence that the government attributes to the opposition, while anti-Chavez supporters blame the state security forces, on orders from their superiors.

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