The commanders activate in swarms: the protest called by María Corina Machado for this Saturday

  • Sep, Thu, 2024

Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado He called this Thursday on those who do not recognize Nicolás Maduro’s victory in the presidential elections on July 28 to organize “swarms” of protest on Saturday, when he has called for a demonstration to denounce that two months have passed since what he considers a “fraud.” electoral.

«We are going to go out throughout the country (…), moving together, in a coordinated manner, with great intelligence. “We are going to make ourselves felt, that the truth be respected, because this September 28, we Venezuelans are going to shake the world, with discipline, with trust among us,” he expressed in a video he shared on X.

He explained that the swarm is a new type of protest, “decentralized and clever,” to generate “the least risk for the people (after some 2,400 arrests occurred in the context of the post-election crisis) and the maximum impact” on the objective of “increasing pressure” against the Chavista Executive.

«Commandos organized in swarms can do many things and I know that you understand me. The swarm is a mobile, agile, super dynamic organization, without beginning or end, liquid, adaptable, that appears and disappears, that acts in a decentralized manner and is coordinated through social networks,” he indicated.

What María Corina Machado asks of the people of Venezuela

Until now, Machado – who has remained under guard in recent weeks, when the government has accused her of leading a coup and terrorist plan – has not indicated whether she will participate in any of these protests.

He insisted that this Saturday will mark two months of “the beating” that, he claims, the candidate of the largest opposition bloc, Edmundo González Urrutia, gave to Maduro in the elections, whose official result proclaimed the re-election of the Chavista leader, although this does not It has been recognized by numerous countries.

In this sense, he said that it is necessary to increase the cost of Chavismo remaining in power every day, since he believes that this is the way to get them to recognize that Maduro lost the presidential elections, despite the fact that the president was proclaimed the winner by the Council. National Electoral.

You have to increase your strength all the time until you reach that point. Where do we get that strength from? From many sides, from international pressure, from international justice, from diplomatic pressures and actions, but above all from ourselves, from the coordinated organization of Venezuelans,” he concluded.

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