The OAS reiterated to the ICC the request for Maduro’s arrest

  • Aug, Wed, 2024

Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States -OAS-, said on Wednesday that he reiterated to the International Criminal Court, which is investigating alleged crimes against humanity in Venezuela, the indictment and arrest warrant against Nicolás Maduro.

“We have strengthened our contacts with the office of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and We reiterate the request for charges and arrest warrants against those primarily responsible for the authoritarian regime, including the responsibility of the de facto president, dictator, Nicolás Maduro,” Almagro said during an extraordinary session of the organization in which the case of Venezuela was discussed.

The Uruguayan diplomat stated that, in the context of the complaints by the perpetration of crimes against humanity and systematic violations of human rights, the need to address “extrajudicial executions, torture, forced disappearances and political persecution” in the country.

These facts have been recognized and presented by the panel of experts of the OAS Secretariat and the United Nations.

«It is definitely necessary “to bring the principle of complementarity into action,” express.

«The justice system in Venezuela guarantees impunity»

The Secretary General of the OAS He also said that The entire justice system in Venezuela is designed to guarantee impunity for those most responsible. of the Chavista regime.

«Ensuring the permissibility of forced disappearance, torture, extrajudicial executions and other forms of political persecution and repression. Therefore, contrary to law and the functioning of the international system of complementarity, to claim that the fundamental decisive instrument of persecution policies is the one who administers justice, It is a contradiction in its own legal terms,” he warned.

He stressed that it must be considered that, from a human point of view, It is an aberration that victims are forced to wait for justice. of someone who is “an accomplice or co-author guaranteeing the impunity” of the highest officials of the regime.

“They are not going to judge their boss or their bosses because the justice system acts in a subordinate position. Or themselves. They are not going to blame their bosses or themselves, “They are not going to request arrest warrants against their bosses or against themselves,” he said.

«It is inevitable that we ask ourselves later that The perpetrators of crimes against humanity and systematic human rights violations committed in 2014 enjoy impunity today. “How long, beyond a decade, must victims and families of victims wait for justice to be done?” he said.

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