Top Cop appoints Extortion Task Force

  • Sep, Sat, 2024

With 450 murders recorded to date (September 6, 2024), Police Commissioner Erla Harewood Christopher has given the assurance that her officers will be “stepping up” their operations with specific focus on gang eradication exercises.

The commissioner spoke at a joint press conference on Friday.

She explained that while officers are doing their best, criminals are adapting and adjusting their operations to suit as well. She assured however that the TTPS will continue to update and review its strategies as time unfolds with specific focus on homicides, home invasions and extortion.

The commissioner said based on investigations, it was discovered that 55 per cent of the murders that have occured to date was either gang or drug related.

She said: “We have developed a multi-agency approach to address gang activities and the increase in homicides. We have identified suspects and we are focused on using all available means to get justice and to bring them before the Court.”

In addition, the police commissioner said focus is also being placed on the retrieval of (illegal) firearms with the assistance of the Customs and Excise Division and the Port Authority officials.

In terms of home invasions, Harewood Christopher said focus is being placed on educating the population on ‘target hardening’ as well as increasing their use of technology, including the ‘Eagle Eye Project.’ 

With regards to extortion cases, the police commissioner said the TTPS has identified a strategic and dedicated team under the supervision of Acting ASP Richard Smith, to “control events of extortion.”

“And I want to today, speak to the business community. We know we are challenged and there is a fear being reported…but know that if you call Mr Smith, you will have that direct communication and confidentiality in your reports,” she assured. 

“We have identified persons in each division so that there would be a coordinated approach by Mr Smith,” the commissioner added. 

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