TSJ rejected appeal against validation of Maduro’s re-election

  • Oct, Wed, 2024

The Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) rejected this Tuesday a second appeal against the Court’s validation of the alleged re-election of Nicolás Maduro as president in the July 28 elections, a result that has been pointed out as fraudulent by the majority opposition and which is not recognized by many countries.

On its website, the Constitutional Chamber of the TSJ indicated that the request to review the validation of the results of the elections – dictated by the Electoral Chamber – is inadmissible and is considered “res judicata”, since last Friday the Court rejected an appeal similar.

This second request, introduced by former presidential candidate Antonio Ecarri, He arrived at the TSJ after former candidate Enrique Márquez asked the Constitutional Chamber to review the decision of the judges, almost all of whom supported Chavismo, to validate Maduro’s controversial re-election.

Faced with the claims of anti-Chavismo, the Supreme Court said it had carried out an expert report “in an impeccable manner with due guarantees, through which the unobjectionable integrity” of the bulletin announced by the National Electoral Council (CNE) was verified.

Electoral material remains in the custody of the TSJ

In its statement on Friday, the TSJ recalled that All electoral material consigned by the CNE “remains in the custody” of the Courtwhich maintains the impossibility of accessing the voting records of each center, something that the international community has asked to review to certify or not the announced result.

The majority opposition – grouped in the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) – maintains that its standard-bearer, Edmundo González Urrutia, currently exiled in Spain, is the winner of the elections based on “83.5% of the electoral records” compiled by witnesses and polling station members on election day, documents recognized as valid by several countries and classified as “false” by the ruling party.

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